How to Get More Views On Your Instagram Stories

How to Get More Views On Your Instagram Stories

As a responsible Instagram marketer (or an ordinary user), you must be knowing that the future of Instagram belongs to the Stories feature. The latter is an ideal tool for getting feedback from your target audience and become super popular on this social network. Do you wonder how you can get even more views on your Instagram Stories? Find the answer straight away on one of the most remarkable IG and IGTV provider InstaBF’s blog. 



The Algorithm Instagram Uses on Stories


The same principle works on both Stories feed and regular feed. The algorithm evaluates the following points:

  • What type of content you prefer (watch and like);
  • How relevant the publications are;
  • In what relationships you are with the author of this or that post (this includes how often you like and comment on his posts, visit his account, etc.).

Additionally, the more active a user is the more likely his Stories will appear on the front of his friends’ Stories list. So, how can you use all this in the benefit of your marketing campaign? Let’s find out the best ways of creating Instagram Stories that will bring you many views.



How to Increase Your Story Views


  1. Post exciting stuff – It’s better to have fewer Stories yet quality ones instead of filling the whole place with poor-quality content that will be quickly scrolled through. 
  2. Make regular but not too frequent stories – When you post too many stories that fill the Stories line with dots (more than ten), it scares people. Generally, people aren’t expected to spend much time on your stories since this is a “consumed content” type of format. From 4 to 6 stories per day will be ideal.
  3. Add geolocations and hashtags to your stories – These are the pillars of fast promotion. Just make certain the tags are relevant. Not to waste time on searching new tags every day, make use of a hashtag generator. 
  4. Use all the perks that Instagram offers – You must have noticed that everything new is quickly perceived on Instagram. Hence, post palls and chat stickers, sliders, and quests, etc. 
  5. Save the most important stories in the highlights – This way people will still have a chance to review them and your views will go on growing. 
  6. Go live on Instagram – Organizing live broadcasts you will easily remind your followers about yourself since your broadcasting immediately appears in the front of their whole Stories list. However, remember not to overdo with live videos as too frequent notifications may repel people and they’ll unfollow you.
  7. Watch other Instagrammers’ stories – Most probably you know that mutual interest is a powerful driving force on this social network. The way you approach people on Insta (likes, comments, views) will turn to you.
  8. Get a business account to analyze the efficiency of your stories – Keeping track of which topics and story formats bring you the most views will help you appear even more entertaining on this platform. 
  9. Make your Instagram page “home” for your followers – Quality is much more significant than pure quantity. Having a hundred-thousandth audience only a thousand of which are active won’t be as efficient as having only three thousand ones following you half of which are active on your page. Agree that a return of 50% is much more beneficial than 1%!
IGTV Marketing: How to Get More Views and Increase Engagement of Your Account

IGTV Marketing: How to Get More Views and Increase Engagement of Your Account

Previously, we have discussed the opportunities of IGTV for business and described a few general practices of video content making that were tested and approved by hundreds of marketers over the years of the Web 2.0 existence. In this article, we will dive deeper into the abyss of video marketing to spot the pitfalls, riffs, and bottlenecks of promoting a brand with video content.

To begin with, one should better understand what IGTV actually is and what changes may occur to the policy of the platform as it will help you to work out the proper strategy. The first and the most important thing to understand is that this functionality is brand new, so there is not too much content and this allows the early birds to get more views and become popular comparatively easy and with fewer investments.

Another highly probable change that may be introduced soon after the IGTV app gains the sufficient audience is the ads inserted in the video by the platform with additional monetization for content makers (the feature is quite familiar to any vlogger who uses YouTube). This second probable change may be a good tool for cross-channel engagement at least at the beginning as the ads pricing should be much more attractive in comparison with the existing competitors.

Still, the main goal for the early adopter of IGTV is to get as many views and likes from the very start as possible as it will be the source of income both in terms of sales conversion and of channel monetization in future.

So, here are a few thoughts that may lay the foundations for the breakthrough.


Know Your Target Audience



It is easier than it sounds. All in all, Instagram is a perfect all-around platform for reaching almost any desirable customer group: it is popular both with digital natives and older generations, so the demographics are extremely favorable for any experiments. More than 70% of the social network users have an Instagram account and, what’s more important, 82% of Instagram users check it on an everyday basis. And, judging by the statistics of the platform, it is continuously growing over the last 3 years gradually increasing its share on the market.

So, in this case, you will never be in a hit-and-miss situation with IGTV.


Thoughtful Video Production

With the rise of Instagram and the peak of the smartphone era, videos become more and more influential in term of decision-making. But don’t ignore the fact that your video must capture attention and push the trigger within the first 16 seconds, so keep it in mind while planning the content production. Your videos should be eye-catching and mind-blowing at the same time.

Currently, the vertical format is still to be adopted and, as we mentioned before, a larger part of conservative and more professional video creators will remain the YouTube adherents. But we have strong reasons to believe that very soon pros of video content creators are likely to turn their gaze upon the vertical format of IGTV due to significantly lower competition. And surely they will be able to offer a number of options for those marketers who wouldn’t like to limit themselves only to raw videos shot with consumer-level smartphone cameras.


E-Commerce Redirection


No need to mention that social networks are becoming integrated with online shops and, in fact, are gradually turning into huge marketplaces with adding more and more functionality that allows businesses to fulfill the full cycle of sales within the platform. Instagram is not an exception and this trend will evoke more fundamental changes in future. The latest improvements connected with shoppable tags, the rumored introduction of proprietary payment system are the sure signs of the advancing revolution.

As for IGTV, it allows redirection from the video title right to the store webpage (previously this function was available only for the bio page on Instagram) and it is a tremendous conversion tool that should be praised by all the SMM managers of the world.

So, if your brand is offering a catalog of products it will be wise to organize your products in albums and run your IGTV channel within this context to be fully armed by the massive advent of e-commerce functionality on Instagram.


Buying IGTV Views

Now it is obvious to any marketing specialist that purchasing views and likes both for Instagram posts and for IGTV videos is only a part of a promotional strategy and no one will deny that it should be used by a skillful and knowledgeable specialist. However, some people regard buying likes, views, and comments as an extravagant and unnecessary activity which is surely a completely erroneous point of view.

In case, with IGTV the importance of purchasing likes and views and using the snowball effect we have already mentioned in one of our previous articles as the platform’s user base is still evolving and now it’s high time to make a leap to the summit. And InstaBF is ready to help you with it, check out our IGTV Likes, IGTV Views and IGTV Comments!

Creating Efficient Instagram Video Content

Creating Efficient Instagram Video Content

Successful Instagram marketers admit that quality video content can serve as the key towards achieving their goals. From advertisements to Stories, videos should be actively involved. We have picked up the most effective ways that will help your video content stand out!


No denial, Instagram Stories are on the pick of their fame. They form a significant part of most popular brands’ marketing strategy plans. Therefore, it will be wise to incorporate videos in stories, as well. Opt for 15-second-long videos. Believe us, this will be totally enough to let your audience know about a prom event or a new line of production, as well as for an influencer to present themselves or for sharing with top tips. However, if there’s an in-depth story to tell, you can split it into parts and upload the clips in a chronological order. So, when making a story with a video, make sure you have counted the following points:

  • Remember that Instagram Stories were created to be funny, impromptu and ephemeral. They needn’t be perfect, relax!
  • Some Insta users may watch stories with sound off. Hence, make sure your posts have captions to make sense even without sound.
  • To add humor or draw attention on a certain part of the video, use stickers.
  • Choose from 11 filters available to set the tone of your video.

Instagram Story Ads

Instagram Stories advertisements in video format can be quite successful if you follow the few tips mentioned below:

  • Edit before posting. Devote some time to filtering and editing your video ad as you won’t have any opportunity to refine if once posted.
  • Make sure your video ad is not too salesy. Strive to make the ads upfront and recognizable, yet with a storytelling element. They should have a distinctive style that can make the right first impression and drive the audience directly to your store or website.
  • Every good video ad should have a call to action to drive traffic. This can be as simple as “click to learn more”.
  • Utilize appropriate formats, which are MOV and MP4.

Video Posts

As compared with Instagram Stories, simple video posts provide you with more time to work your imagination and implement brave ideas. To be precise, each of your videos is given an entire minute, hence use the time wisely to make the posts deep and sensible. Yet, remembering that an average social media user can’t be as patient as to spend 60 seconds per video, don’t overdo with it. Here we have chosen a couple of most crucial points to pay attention to:

  • Be focused and set one goal for one video with a respective tone and theme.
  • Aim for high-end content. Use eye-catching visuals. Adobe Spark app can be of a great help here, by the way.
  • Add engaging captions to give your audience more information about the video. Look at hashtags and emojis as a supporting element.

Instagram Live

Instagram Live is the thing of the moment and doesn’t require any extensive planning. Yet, there are still certain points that will make you feel confident your Instagram Live won’t shame you.

  • Make it casual and be real. Don’t think too much over one question if its a Q&A live video, but be yourself, not afraid of mistakes.
  • Invite others (followers, colleagues, influencers, etc.) for a live session. This will not only make it a bit more fun but also decrease the pressure of responsibility of posting a live video for everyone’s judgment.
  • Before you start a live video, check whether the lighting is good and the room is not echoed.

So, in this single article, we managed to cover all the important points of utilizing videos on the Instagram platform. InstaBF is sure they will be of a great benefit to you. Besides that, we have another grandiose suggestion how to increase your engagement and the number of your followers. Order as many likes, views, comments or followers as you may need and all this at an affordable price. Visit the home page of InstaBF and get more detailed information.

Why should I buy Instagram video views?

Why should I buy Instagram video views?

Instagram introduced a new option, which enables users to see the number of the views under their videos in February 2016. It shows how many unique users have watched your video and which of them were „liked“. Thus you can monitor the attendance of your profile and react more sensitively to users’ preferences: what do they like? What can attract their attention? You’ll understand clearly in which way you should go.

Buying Instagram views also gives you an opportunity to get them instantly. There is no need for buyers to wait for months to promote their profiles. Of course, the main purpose of buying Instagram views is to boost up your profile. If people see a small amount of views and they don’t know who you are, they’ll definitely ignore your Instagram account.

Buying Instagram views will make your videos look popular and actual. It goes without saying that all your Instagram videos have to be of high-quality to keep the audience’s attention. But, what’s more, the great plus is that you’re independent from the marketing rules such as „which time would be the best to post the video for getting more views and likes?“. You are free to get plenty of video views at any time, even though you don’t always pay enough attention to the quality.