Successful Instagram marketers admit that quality video content can serve as the key towards achieving their goals. From advertisements to Stories, videos should be actively involved. We have picked up the most effective ways that will help your video content stand out!


No denial, Instagram Stories are on the pick of their fame. They form a significant part of most popular brands’ marketing strategy plans. Therefore, it will be wise to incorporate videos in stories, as well. Opt for 15-second-long videos. Believe us, this will be totally enough to let your audience know about a prom event or a new line of production, as well as for an influencer to present themselves or for sharing with top tips. However, if there’s an in-depth story to tell, you can split it into parts and upload the clips in a chronological order. So, when making a story with a video, make sure you have counted the following points:

  • Remember that Instagram Stories were created to be funny, impromptu and ephemeral. They needn’t be perfect, relax!
  • Some Insta users may watch stories with sound off. Hence, make sure your posts have captions to make sense even without sound.
  • To add humor or draw attention on a certain part of the video, use stickers.
  • Choose from 11 filters available to set the tone of your video.

Instagram Story Ads

Instagram Stories advertisements in video format can be quite successful if you follow the few tips mentioned below:

  • Edit before posting. Devote some time to filtering and editing your video ad as you won’t have any opportunity to refine if once posted.
  • Make sure your video ad is not too salesy. Strive to make the ads upfront and recognizable, yet with a storytelling element. They should have a distinctive style that can make the right first impression and drive the audience directly to your store or website.
  • Every good video ad should have a call to action to drive traffic. This can be as simple as “click to learn more”.
  • Utilize appropriate formats, which are MOV and MP4.

Video Posts

As compared with Instagram Stories, simple video posts provide you with more time to work your imagination and implement brave ideas. To be precise, each of your videos is given an entire minute, hence use the time wisely to make the posts deep and sensible. Yet, remembering that an average social media user can’t be as patient as to spend 60 seconds per video, don’t overdo with it. Here we have chosen a couple of most crucial points to pay attention to:

  • Be focused and set one goal for one video with a respective tone and theme.
  • Aim for high-end content. Use eye-catching visuals. Adobe Spark app can be of a great help here, by the way.
  • Add engaging captions to give your audience more information about the video. Look at hashtags and emojis as a supporting element.

Instagram Live

Instagram Live is the thing of the moment and doesn’t require any extensive planning. Yet, there are still certain points that will make you feel confident your Instagram Live won’t shame you.

  • Make it casual and be real. Don’t think too much over one question if its a Q&A live video, but be yourself, not afraid of mistakes.
  • Invite others (followers, colleagues, influencers, etc.) for a live session. This will not only make it a bit more fun but also decrease the pressure of responsibility of posting a live video for everyone’s judgment.
  • Before you start a live video, check whether the lighting is good and the room is not echoed.

So, in this single article, we managed to cover all the important points of utilizing videos on the Instagram platform. InstaBF is sure they will be of a great benefit to you. Besides that, we have another grandiose suggestion how to increase your engagement and the number of your followers. Order as many likes, views, comments or followers as you may need and all this at an affordable price. Visit the home page of InstaBF and get more detailed information.