The Link In Bio Tools You Should Start Using Right Away

The Link In Bio Tools You Should Start Using Right Away

Using Instagram to direct traffic straight to your website or shop is highly beneficial. And perhaps the most important point in an Instagram profile is the bio. The latter has a direct impact on how people perceive your account at first sight. A successfully composed bio can easily convince viewers to press the “follow” button and eventually redirect them to your platform where you can control their experiences far better than on Instagram. 

Since Instagram allows using only one clickable link in a bio, picking it up should become an important part of your marketing strategy. And if you find you need help, InstaBF is going to introduce several most useful tools to start using right today. InstaBF is a remarkable IG and IGTV provider, but besides that, this service aims to make your experience on the Instagram social network more profitable and enjoyable with the help of useful blog posts. And today we are going to add another significant theme to our blog – the most useful link in bio tools to start using right off. 





This tool is primarily used to create a clickable grid with only one link. The latter can lead to a blog post, product, website, or services page. In this, is not the only option. Viewers of a personalized link created with this tool get the chance to shop the feed. However, it is the only one syncing with Later – another useful third-party tool (and an Instagram certified partner) used for scheduling content. is an amazing option for brands with shoppable products; online publications, blogs and bloggers; as well as businesses that regularly share fresh content. With this tool, tracking advanced analytics, or what traffic posts you make generate on average becomes easy.





If you are searching a means to link to different links through only one generated link, you include in your Instagram bio, Linktree can be the ideal choice. It’s very easy to both register a Linktree account and to manage links. Particularly this feature makes it a good choice for service-based business owners who are not so tech-savvy. 

This tool has both a primary version (free of charge) and a paid one. The latter offers better customization, advanced analytics, and an option of scheduling links. With comparable pricing and a free basic plan, this tool is a good alternative to the previously-described one. 





If you don’t have your website but want to redirect your Instagram visitors to a separate page to get to know you or your brand better, Milkshake can be a nice option. It is used to create landing pages and is widely used by bloggers and influencers. In fact, this third-party tool was set for creators who wish to link their Instagram viewers to their blog posts, YouTube channels, or affiliate pages start from their Instagram profiles. Perhaps the only downside of this tool is its compatibility with exceptionally iOS devices. 





Introduced relatively recently, Campsite works similarly to Linktree. With only one link, it offers numerous URLs to select from in the bio. Besides this, the tool lets you alter your Instagram account with a mini-bio, a new photo, icons to your other sites. You can even add images with all the links mentioned. Just like Linktree, Campsite is a good option if you aim to add more than five links to your Instagram bio. Yet, the customization options in the free plan of Campsite make it a more beneficial choice. 

5 Great Instagram Bio Advice Pieces to Attract Your Perfect Followers

5 Great Instagram Bio Advice Pieces to Attract Your Perfect Followers

If you are approaching the task of getting new followers for your Instagram account seriously, creating an efficient bio should be your priority. Particularly this part of your Instagram profile can either take you to the next level on this social network or pull you down.

Generally, it takes only a second or two for an Insta user to determine whether to follow someone on Gram or not, meaning you have only this short time to convert your account visitors into followers. Having a poorly-written or even worse – a blank bio you will lose all your chances to present to visitors’ attention your feed, even if it’s a gorgeous one! Here, at InstaBF, one of the most credible IG and IGTV providers you can find on the market, we truly believe you should have an utmost captivating and accurate Instagram bio. How? We’ll find this out right away!



Target at Your Perfect Follower


Surely, the more followers you have the better. But the principle “quality is better than quantity” works here, too. You need to attract your ideal followers who will raise your engagement rate. Hence, consider values, demographics, dreams, and goals of your perfect followers before creating the bio. Ask yourself what they would like to see on your account and the more specific you can get the better. Your target audience should feel as if you are talking particularly to them once they land on your account and read your bio.



Present Your Real Self


Virtual life allows one to become anyone he’d like to. Yet, if your purpose on Instagram is to drive attention and popularity particularly to your true self, make certain you are frank in your bio. Use your real name, the one your audience knows and may use to find you.  

Besides, it will be better if you tell your followers who you are in reality without any exaggerations. Definitely, you need to present the best of you and how helpful your account may be for your followers. As bios are to be quite short, use the keywords that best resonate with your target followers. Just make sure you never lie and can deliver what you claim.



Don’t Forget about Clickable Links


Do never forget that once you add a “@” or “#” in an Instagram bio, the next word becomes a clickable link. The latter can take the visitor to another profile or a hashtag. This is your best chance of driving attention to the account that greatly matters to you. This can be your blog, your website or your organization, whatever important from your point.

Besides, the presence of clickable links in an Instagram account’s bio makes it look more professional!



Where’s the Highlight Reel?


Putting everything important about your account in as few as only 150 characters is quite a difficult task. And sometimes you can’t find the perfect words for that. Right for this, you can use Stories Highlights feature to show what you have just mentioned in the bio. Think of this feature as an advertisement means and save particularly those Stories that best illustrate what you presented in the bio. This can be an “About Me” highlight, or answers to the most commonly given questions, etc.



Sum Up with a CTA


In this social media age, engagement matters more than mere numbers. And to offer your account visitors interaction with you and your brand, sum up your Instagram bio with an appropriate call to action. With this, you provide them with a reliable means of getting in touch with you, whether it’s a branded hashtag or a website link. If you are running a business account on Instagram, you can also mention the physical address, email, and the telephone number of your company.

Using Instagram Profile as Your Website Home Page

Using Instagram Profile as Your Website Home Page

Nowadays, more and more people turn to Instagram instead of Googling the products or services they are interested in. Right this way, even though you may have your own website, the Insta profile you have is more likely to be acquired as your homepage. And if your primary aim was to convert your website visitors into consumers, now it should become converting them into your Instagram followers. For this, you’ll need to optimize your Insta profile. InstaBF, one of the most credible modern sources for gaining Instagram likes, comments and followers on an affordable basis, will reveal the major steps for profile optimization. But before that, let’s understand how consumers use the Instagram social network as a search engine.

Instead of looking for a certain product through Google or any other search engine and getting the brand’s highly edited photos, one can find the product’s or service’s images posted by real users. For instance, if you’re planning to leave abroad and need a hotel, the most authentic information and photos can be found right through Instagram users. Photos and videos (plus live videos) posted by real people who’ve been there and can tell for sure whether it’s worth staying at a particular hotel or not will be more useful than the information you can find in a hotel brochure.

So, if you do use this social network-search engine, why shouldn’t others do the same to find your brand?! Here are several practical and productive means of optimizing your brand’s Instagram profile and converting visitors into followers.

Instagram Bio = Above the Fold Copy

Your Instagram bio has the same function of the”above the fold” copy of your brand’s website, i.e. it tells the visitor what your brand is and what it can offer, without the need to scroll down the feed. The space for a bio is limited, hence you’ll have to combine preciseness and the major info. Focus on your target customers in the bio, explaining how you can inspire or help them. If you are “selling” services, make sure you have stated your contacts.

The link in Instagram Bio = Call to Action

An attractive call-to-action is equally important for both a website and an Instagram profile. Depending on your business type, whether it offers services or products, the CTA can be different. It may inspire people to shop, subscribe, have a look at your portfolio, etc. Through your CTA, tell visitors what they will get by clicking on the link stated in your bio.

Instagram Story Highlights = Website Pages

Without a doubt, besides the homepage of your website, you also have other pages such as “about”, “production”, Terms and Conditions”, “FAQ”, etc. Acquiring your Instagram stories highlights as those website categories, you can recreate them right on the Instagram platform. Devoting a single highlight to a certain collection, for instance, your followers won’t have to get redirected to your website once they get interested in a certain product (and believe, they don’t do it).

Instagram Aesthetic = Your Brand

It goes beyond any consideration that your Instagram profile must reflect your brand just as your website does. People can recognize your brand through the dominant brand color, a logotype, unique fonts, etc. What matters here the most, is that you pick up one aesthetic design, whether it is white and black, super colorful, dark and rustic, abstract, etc.

Making Impressive Instagram Bios

Making Impressive Instagram Bios

Did you know that as little as 0.2 seconds are enough for an online visitor to form an opinion about an Instagram account? And whether you are a simple Instagram user, or have a business account, it’s definitely important to create really good bios. At first sight, it may seem to be a straightforward task, yet it does really require some efforts and thinking. Here and now we shall help you create a good first impression with your account bios and convince the greatest part of visitors to click that “follow” button! Besides providing as many likes, comments, and followers as you need, InstaBF website is also ready to give you some really crucial advice. Just keep on reading to the end, find the most suitable means for you, apply for a huge “portion” of followers. Together, you and InstaBF will make your account stand out in the crowd!

Use Your Real Name

For making an impression of a reliable Instagram user (or business), the first step is mentioning your real name. Make sure your profile is filled out with your real name and not the username you use on Instagram. This way your followers and customers will find you easier and make sure they are dealing with a true person and not an impostor. However, along with your real name, you can make some sprucing. If you or your company is especially famous for a certain thing, you are free to use it right by the side of your name.

Include Your Skill Details

If the purpose of your Instagram account is to get distinguished for the services/skills you have, it’s crucial to mention about them right in your bio. It should accurately state your profession, special skills, as well as interests and hobbies. This information will not only introduce you to the millions of Instagram users but will also determine whether they’ll follow you or not.

Implementing Keywords

Undoubtedly, using a keyword in a bio does never improve the searchability. On the contrary, it makes everything more complicated. Yet, along with this, the correctly chosen keywords included in the bio will help people, who are interested in engaging your account, find you easier. Use such keywords that best describe both your and your target audience’s core values! This way your followers will have a better image of how reliable, compatible you are, and what you can offer them.

Using the Right Link in a Bio

Instagram is very strict when the matter concerns posting an active link in a profile. However, a user’s bio is where one has the right to post a single clickable link. A business can make use of this and send its followers directly to its official website or blog. E-commerce businesses, meanwhile, find this somewhat irritating as they need to send their visitors to different websites of different product sellers. Just the same way you can mention your email address in your bio. This way you’re going to be more common for your possible followers to contact you.

Be Creative

Doubtlessly, all the points mentioned above are crucial. But you should also remember not to make your bio look like a brief biography. Instagram is actually a lighthearted medium and you needn’t make it appear stricter. Express your fun side right in your bio and expect new followers soon. Use emojis for spacing the text, involve the branded hashtag, change the font, apply line breaks, use a CTA, etc.