Instagram Safety Tips for Teenage Users

Instagram Safety Tips for Teenage Users

During the past several years, the world’s youth has “migrated” from Facebook to Instagram. This platform of visual content attracts more and more young people every day, yet it can’t be considered more or less safer than Facebook. Here, too teenage users need caution and protection to avoid any profanity or inappropriate content, while the risk of hate mail and cyberbullying can put a young Instagrammer into a series of troubles. To stay away from all these dangers while posting your daily life into everyone’s view, it’s crucial to demonstrate a high level of caution and adhere to several rules. And now InstaBF, the popular source to order Instagram likes, comments, and followers at a sensible price, is going to reveal five safety tips for teenage Instagrammers.

Privacy Settings

If most of the adults prefer having public profiles on Instagram, for teenage users it’s preferable to switch to private profiles. This way it becomes possible to supervise who sees your child’s photos and posts. Without your (if you have an access to your teen’s profile) or your child’s approval no Instagram user can become a follower or search the profile on the web.

The Appearance of Your Profile

Another important aspect to consider is the appearance if your teenage child’s profile. Did you know that having one’s photograph, along with first and last names, it’s possible to google that person and get such significant data as the address, the school or workplace, the family members, and even the current location? Accordingly, make sure your child’s profile is pictured with a fake picture and at least the first name. To state the last name will be an extreme step. Surely, the rest of your teenager’s profile photos should be real for his/her real friends to see. Yet, it’s definitely better to have a neutral profile picture (of the favorite celebrity, movie hero, toys, flowers, sports items, etc.).

Sharing Location

Sharing the locations of photos taken is a normal thing. Well, at least for adults. However, when the matter concerns teenage Instagrammers, who far not always can defend themselves, this becomes subject to question. Once you tag the location of your post made, it becomes seen to all your followers (for private profiles) or all Insta users (for public profiles). There seems nothing serious, doesn’t it? Yet, once the post is made, by clicking on the location mentioned, the application will show up a map to you with a dot signifying your exact location! Someone, searching your teenager, can easily find out where he/she is at the current moment! Too dangerous for children! Hence, just turn off the location setting on the Instagram application to ensure your child’s safety.

Picking Up Followers

Surely, Instagram is all about following other users and getting them following you back. But it’s mandatory to be highly attentive when letting someone you don’t know personally into your life, showing him/her your photos, or worse, contacting them through the chat. A teenage Instagram user ought to be very cautious, as you can’t be sure the fifteen-year-old girl you became friends with online is not a fifty-year-old man with abnormal thoughts.

Asking Help from Parents

Even though having your parents check up your Instagram account (i.e. your personal territory) may make you feel controlled, you, as a teenage social media user, ought to reach out to your mom or dad for help when needed. Be certain, they will help you understand and judge what you can post, and what should be kept for yourself.

Most Talented and Remarkable Teens on Instagram

Most Talented and Remarkable Teens on Instagram

Even though social media is quite difficult to handle with all the body images, cyberbullying, and other issues for teenage people, it has become an inseparable part of their life. And it seems that most of them know well how to use this platform safely and beneficially. The selfies, inspirational quotes, posts about celebrities that they make on Instagram, reflect their everyday life and their preferences. However, sometimes it’s difficult not to admire the feeds of some teenagers in particular. And InstaBF has collected them in one place so that you can get inspired by their marvelous posts! These are not those mega-popular names you are already used to hear every day, but other far not less talented and smart guys. Let’s check them out!

Lottie Tomlinson

This eighteen-year-old girl is a talented makeup artist and has managed to gain her fame due to the unique sense of style and hard work. Despite her young age, Lottie has managed to cooperate with world-known artists including Selena Gomez. Now she enjoys around 3.3 million followers!

Ryan Parrilla

Ryan is a sixteen-year-old guy who suggests admiring fantastic photos he posts in his feed. He lives in New York, and his photos represent the real life of teenagers “behind the scenes”. Ryan gets inspired by things other people would consider minor! This guy sees the world in another way than we do and this fact has attracted over 90k followers on Instagram.

Evita Nuh

Eighteen-year-old Indonesian fashion blogger Evita definitely knows the point in fashion and style. At her young age, she has already managed to be featured by Elle magazine and admired by around 75k followers on Instagram. Her Instagram feed has minimal colors and looks aesthetically pleasing.

Maria Khoreva

Maria is an admirably talented ballet dancer with a huge army of followers on Instagram (over 200k). Whether she posts a photo of herself on the stage or practicing ballet, the results are simply mind-blowing! The way she can stretch her body is jaw-dropping, while the photos she chooses to post are all aesthetically admirable! Despite her young age, Maria is an inspiration for thousands of other ballet dancers and not only.

Pyper America Smith

Pyper is an already popular musician and model. All her looks are stylish as on the runway so in real life. Besides being very beautiful and sexy, this nineteen-year-old girl is also very talented. She is a member of the quite popular music band The Atomics. And by starting viewing her feed, you understand the meaning of the expression “beautiful people live beautifully”! Pyper has around 800k followers on Instagram.

Matt Sarafa

The new generation is liberated from all kinds of complexes and Matt Sarafa pulls the boundaries even further. This fashion designer started designing clothes at the age of seven and now, at the age of twenty, he is the founder/owner of the popular clothing line HOT MESS. Matt himself showcases all his designs on his Instagram page. Currently, Matt Sarafa has around 140k followers!

You see that being smart, unique and motivated, one can achieve new heights irrespective of the age. Instagram is a fabulous platform for this. And if you need something to boost your creativity, such as a huge number of followers, InstaBF is glad to offer you its help. Here you can order as many Instagram likes, comments and followers as you wish. InstaBF is a safe platform trusted by thousands of consumers from around the world!