Using Lightroom Presets for Editing Beautiful Instagram Photos: Part 2

Using Lightroom Presets for Editing Beautiful Instagram Photos: Part 2

In our last post, we started such a useful topic for every Instagrammer as how to use one of the most popular applications allowing to beautify photos. Lightroom can transform even the simplest image into something amazing and awe-inspiring. InstaBF, one of the leading Instagram and IGTV providers of the industry, already explained why it’s so beneficial to use this application and how important it is to pick up the right format for both a desktop and mobile devices. And now we are going to pass to explaining exactly what steps must be undertaken to have your photos transformed from ordinary to mind-blowing with this tool straight on your mobile device.



How to Edit with Lightroom Presets on the Mobile Application


Lightroom CC mobile application is a wonderful tool for those Instagrammers, who are used to taking photos with their smartphones and editing them right on the go to add to their feeds as soon as possible. The application is a quick one, as well as easily navigated and what’s more attractive – absolutely free of charge!

However, once you have downloaded it through Google Play or App Store (depending on your gadget), you will have to spend some money and purchase the preset that best suits your unique style and have it set up in your phone. For this, open the zip folder you see after the download is over. Once done, you will find a .DNG file – your mobile preset. Using email, Google Drive, Dropbox or airdrop, send it to your smartphone. Open it as a photo or an un-edited photo in your files (depends on how it will be shown in your device). After this, import the photo right to your Lightroom CC mobile app. To do this, tap the right bottom corner and click the Add New Photo button. This will open your camera roll. Choose the image you’ll like to edit and tap “Add Photos”.  To do this free of charge, copy the preset settings from the original photo and paste them on that particular one.



Passing to Editing

Now you already have the preset photo installed and it is high time to use it for adding other images. It will be expedient to create a folder in the application for every preset to find it later easily once needed.

There are 3 dots in the top right-hand corner of every image you want to edit with this tool. Tap them and select the Copy image Settings. After this, see if all the points marked in the box opened, and click OK. Get back to All Photos and open the image to be edited. Click the 3 dots on the right top corner and choose Paste Image Settings. After this little manipulation, you will see the preset applied to the image!



Adding Extra Tweaks

Anyway, if there are still some adjustments you consider necessary for a perfectly polished look of the image, you can make them before saving the image. For this, get the editing tools Contrast, Exposure, and Highlights at the bottom of the bar. With the color button, you can play with any color in the image, while the Mix button is designed for changing the Saturation, Hue, and Luminance of all the colors one by one. After the image looks perfect in your eyes, tap and hold the screen on the image and see how it looked before editing and after it. Click on the Export button (you can find it on the right top corner) and save the image either to your files or camera roll.

Using Lightroom Presets for Editing Beautiful Instagram Photos: Part 1

Using Lightroom Presets for Editing Beautiful Instagram Photos: Part 1

If you are searching for a way to create impressive Instagram photos for your feed, why not consider editing them with Lightroom?! The latter is an efficient tool for improving the quality and look of an image. Besides, it doesn’t matter whether you are a beginner or already a professional, with the help of this application you can achieve that cohesive Instagram aesthetic you strive for.

Today InstaBF, one of the most popular and trustworthy Instagram and IGTV providers, is going to talk about Lightroom presets and how you can edit photos from both your smartphone and your PC.



Why Choose Lightroom


Instagram is, in fact, a huge platform with thousands of brands, influencers, amateur and professional photographers, all of which are pitching for space in the Instagram feed. And we can’t deny that nearly all photos we see on this social network are of A+ quality. So, if you want to stand out in such a harsh competition, think about claiming your place through strong Instagram imagery. It’s recommended to use Adobe Lightroom for this purpose as it features countless ways of manipulating your images. It will drastically improve the quality of your images, as well as help you develop your own style.



Lightroom Presets

Lightroom presets are unique photo editing tools that can be applied only with one click. They will drastically speed up your workflow and give that professional look to your images you can see on Instagram. With the help of these filters, you get even more control over every image and can adjust pretty much anything in it, up to changing the hue or saturation of every color. 



Choosing the Right Format


It’s important to take into consideration if you’re going to take photos in JPEG or RAW before purchasing any Lightroom preset. If you are shooting with an iPhone, JPEG images are what it shoots. DSLP cameras, meanwhile, take RAW images. Lightroom has presets designed for RAW and JPEG files separately, and if you use the wrong presets, it can’t guarantee the results you expect. Hence, be very cautious about this.



Desktop vs Mobile App

The mobile and desktop versions of Lightroom are different. RAW images can be edited only with the desktop version – Adobe Lightroom CC. This is a paid program and to download it, you must sign up for an Adobe Creative Cloud subscription for $10 per month. It’s especially convenient for professional photographers or those Instagrammers, who schedule their feed in advance with a PC scheduling program.

Lightroom CC Mobile, meanwhile, is a free-of-charge application convenient to those who love the convenience of editing on the go. It’s applicable to both Android and iOS devices.