Making Money on Instagram 2019

Making Money on Instagram 2019

Built as an entertainment photo-sharing social media, Instagram has turned into a huge business platform. And the greatest thing is that it can be used by anyone! And if you wonder whether you can make money on Instagram, too, the answer is Yes! Keep up with InstaBF, a popular provider of Instagram and IGTV likes, comments, views, and followers, and we shall share with you in-depth tactics to implement to earn money this and the upcoming year. 

Generally, there are five basic ways of making money on this social platform. These are:



Becoming an influencer to get money for sponsored posts


Influencers build a reputation by sharing the things they do and like online. By convincing their faithful audiences about certain trends, they build a high level of trust with their online presence. Acquiring the status of an influencer, you can promote brands through your posts and stories getting paid for that. To become an influencer, you need to know your target audience well and create a noteworthy presence online. 

Quite often Instagram influencers (mostly micro-influencers) find brands to cooperate with themselves. They reach out to them directly and suggest their services. Mega influencers, in the meantime, don’t need this. Big brands reach out to them every day. 

However, if you have created a good following and become an Instagram influencer, remember not to lose your existing audience while making money on sponsored posts. 



Be an affiliate to sell others’ products


An Instagram affiliate sells various brands’ products to receive a cut. If an influencer creates awareness around a brand, the task of an affiliate is to make sales for the partnering brand. They do that through promo codes and trackable links to make sure that all clicks are successfully converted into sales. If you think about earning money on Instagram by becoming an affiliate, expand your presence through a social media channel or a website. 



Sell virtual products


Instagram is all about visual content and photogenic products are sold with a tremendous success here. These can include poster images. drawings, paintings, videos, animations, and any other virtual content based on photos or videos. Make attractive posts and encourage your followers to click on the link in your bio. 

So, if you are taking great photos and are good at editing, compositing, filtering, there’s a great chance you can earn on that through your Instagram account. 



Sell physical products


If you produce anything or buy goods at suppliers, you can sell them online at a higher price. Generally, e-commerce retailing demands some inventory, hence you need some money to invest in your little Instagram business. Additionally, you need to have a place to store your goods and a big devotion to advertising them. Today it’s possible for customers to buy products directly on Instagram through stories and posts without even leaving the platform. You see Instagram gives retailers a good opportunity to expand their business. Why not make use of it? 



Sell dropshipped products


If you don’t own any inventory but want to own your business on Instagram, dropshipping is just for you. Run an online store, sell products and the manufacturer will deliver the sold products to your customers’ doorsteps. You see, no worries about storing, packaging, delivering the goods. Surely, the revenue will be smaller as compared with owning both the production and retail, but you can earn quite not bad money! 

Make Money with your popular Instagram account

Make Money with your popular Instagram account

Instagram is the most convenient social network that can help you become famous and even rich. Thousands of bloggers confirm this! Interesting and original personalities can have thousands and even millions of followers. Their hobby, making and posting photos, has long been their way to make money. You are in no way worse, and you can also start benefiting from your account right now. In this article, you will learn how to find advertisers for large and small blogs and how else to earn money on Instagram.

For owners of large accounts (100K followers and more)

If you have a lot of followers, you have probably come across a variety of cooperation offers. It could be some discounts and gifts in exchange for a good feedback about the product or service as a post in your account. In simple words, this is called barter advertising. Depending on the number of your followers, you could also be offered to receive additional payment. The more people are subscribing you, the higher the cost of an advertising post.

If you are not satisfied with the number of advertisers and you are ready to post more commercial posts, you can address directly to potential clients. Do not hesitate to do this. So you can choose what you really like and work with your favorite brands. Remember that not everyone needs your advertising services, so refusals are normal in this business. If you do not want to waste your time, contact special people who will become your manager and look for advertisers. But then you have to pay a percentage to this person or organization.

Another option is to make your name brand. It’s difficult but real! To do this, think what you like and what kind of goods your followers would buy. If you like sports and can assign your account to this topic, choose something related to sportswear or healthy food. If you are a girl who likes to post clothes and makeup, create your own brand in this area. Who knows, maybe you’re the next Kylie Jenner. In fact, you can create any product, from a mobile app to a flower shop. The main thing is that you have a huge base of fans as your followers.

For small accounts (less than 100K followers)

To ensure that advertisers want to use your services, you must have at least 10K followers. However, even if you already have the required amount, you will receive few proposals. You probably have not enough of this, so you’ll have to find clients by yourself. Refer to online clothing stores, some of them will gladly work with you as barter. This means that you will receive a thing, and they will be advertised, free on mutually beneficial terms. Perhaps, some store will offer you a special coupon for your followers, and you can receive a percentage of sales.

Do not get discouraged because of the small number of proposals. To accelerate the growth of your popularity, use InstaBF site for more followers and likes. Having a good account activity, you have more chances that you will be noticed by potential advertisers.

Key aspects for Instagram profile revenues

Key aspects for Instagram profile revenues

There are many different ways of becoming a professional blogger these days. Communicating with large audience worldwide is now possible more than ever, the only thing that matters is that an individual will need an interesting topic and subject of the shared content that will be interested for lots of people at Instagram. That inevitably will lead to rising number of subscribers that will enable you make substantial earnings from the content that is made.

How to make money as a blogger?

Most of the successful bloggers have proved that there are several possibilities of making earning at Instagram. This could be one of the best ways to promote already existing online or a high street retail store, or service that a company or an individual can offer. The promotion could be range from virtually anything that starts from basic freelance and copy write topping with beauty centers, restaurants, entertainment etc.

Selling your own goods or making an online store is also a very popular way of earning money from the blog. Goods (for example cloth) could be produced by an individual himself or a chartered company could be employed that can only stick your own logo to it. Caps, t-shirts, jumpers etc. – all of could reach your particular customer.

Additionally, if the Instagram account is very popular and has substantial amount of subscribers it certainly can attract potential advertisers. Depended on the agreement you can produce direct or hidden adverts bringing the rewards from hundreds to thousands of dollars. It could be adverts with regards of purchase a one producer’s goods, using services or reading certain content. Even some bloggers that are trying to make their accounts popular are ready to pay some money to these who have lots of subscribers to advertise their blog.

How to promote an Instagram account?

So, in order to get substantial amount of subscribers, likes to the published content and get lots of views that account should attract many people at first. As it is mentioned previously, some users pay the other account holders to mention their blog in the third party’s content. There is the other ways that can guarantee lots of view and likes in a relatively short period of time. For example, InstaBF helps individual with this problem. We will attract substantial amount of likes, followers and comments to the published content. All the follower’s profiles are real. Your Instagram profile can become very popular in a short period of time for a very little charge all that will be left for you to do is to make the content interesting and attractive for the others. To kick off start any individual can purchase instant followers, thousands of likes, views and comments.

Making earning and promoting the account are two things that closely relate to each other. Many Insta users use the service for years and cannot reach the desired effect. It is proved that by getting a lot of followers, likes and comments will inevitably lead to your profile popularity that will enable you to catch potential advertiser’s attention or making your own business on the base of this platform.

Three Steps to Becoming a Professional Instagrammer

Three Steps to Becoming a Professional Instagrammer

There are many people who earn their crust with a simple posting on Instagram.  We call them «Instagrammers». At first glance, these bloggers get the money easily: they hire a professional photographer, go on holiday and take beautiful photos.

That’s why every modern person dreams of Instablogger carrier. To make this dream come true, you need to promote yourself. The following instruction will put you on the right track. Just stick to the rules and get ready to become popular.

Create a beautiful account

There are the most important requirements for really good account:

  • A suitable name.
  • One color scheme for all pictures.
  • Only professional photos.
  • Thoughtful description of every picture.
  • Right choice of hashtags.

As you can see, memorable and easy readable name is the first thing you need to create. Try to make it not too long (8-12 symbols) and don’t be afraid to use one underscore. It will help you to separate a few letters.

Unique color scheme is also important. It is better to have a recognizable style of photos, because every picture should stand out in a huge and monotonous user’s feed. At the same time, follower can evaluate your perfectionism.

The style of photos should be recognizable.

If blogger wants to earn money and cooperate with brands, he should post only professional photos. Be sure, that your holiday pictures on mobile phone are ill-suited for this aim. Purchase of a qualitative camera is compulsory. Moreover, the knowledge of photography is also needed.

Think about an interesting description after each picture. Show your writing skills to make an average user open more photos. The importance of hashtags is clear: right promotion is unreal without them.

Increase the number of subscribers

According to some interviews of Instagrammers, the audience of 10,000 people gives blogger an opportunity to start earning money. This figure isn’t so unreal, but achieving such goal may be too difficult in a competitive environment of social network.

10,000 people are enough to start earning money.

That’s why it is rationally to use InstaBF service to get followers and likes on Instagram. As a result, you will have natural and healthy traffic to make your account popular and move to the next step.

Start to make money

If your account is popular, advertisers will find you in no time. The system of cooperation is simple: every professional Instagrammer gets gifts from brands. He shows these presents to the audience and then uses them for free. The advertised products can vary. For example, some bloggers get really expensive things or even free holidays on the seaside.

The prospect of money-making is unlimited. Some Instagrammers receive $360000  per year. The average income of popular blogger is about $3000 per month. Moreover, this figure will increase. Not every brand on the modern market understands the real impact of Instagram on the advertising campaigns.

Ways to earn money on Instagram

Ways to earn money on Instagram

Let’s say you have registered your profile. How can you start earning money? First of all, you need your own audience (subscribers), which will have something to buy from you. Where can you get these followers? The easiest way doing it is buying them cheap is doing it at InstaBF site.

How many followers do you need to earn? Sure, the more people that have subscribed to your account you have, the more you can earn. Even with 100 followers you can get the first customers. Let us learn more about these ways of earning.

Promote your business on Instagram

Who often sells services on Instagram?

  1. People working for themselves, providing their services online and offline. For example, photographers, psychologists, business coaches, lawyers;
  2. Private entrepreneurs and companies. For example, beauty salons, car-care centers, sports complexes, entertainment projects;
  3. Freelancers, copywriters, webmasters, programmers, etc.

You can easily advertise your services on Instagram and attract potential customers through the photo with description.

Promote affiliate services on Instagram

Selling other people’s products and services through affiliate programs is the simplest and most profitable way to earn. All you need is to find a product or service, for the sale of which you will receive your commission, take a partnership link to this product and recommend it in your profile or in posts.

Selling your goods on Instagram

Who earns this way? Internet shops, various manufacturers and those who make goods with their own hands! But basically it’s online stores and ordinary stores that attract customers that way. For example, regular customers or fans of a brand subscribe to their favorite stores’ accounts and follow through photos for new items, buying them further. Additionally various promotions and discounts, which attract the audience are advertised on Instagram.

Selling Ads on your Instagram profile

Popular posts on Instagram with an audience of several tens of thousands of people can take for an advertising post even $100. Would you just want to get $500, $1000, $5000 USD through your account? Of course, everyone would like to have such a source of income.