How to Start a Fashion Blog and Promote It on Instagram
Have you always thought you could be a part of fashion and inspire other people to dress, walk and even be more stylish? Then you should not waste time and start a fashion blog. This can lead you to the honorable status of an Instagram influencer! Most new bloggers give it all up once they see there is no significant progress they expected. Yet, if you are stubborn and determinate to lead a fashion blog, InstaBF, a leading Insta and IGTV provider, is here to give you some crucial recommendations.
Giving It a Start!
The first step is thinking of a catchy name for your blog, which will give a transparent hint to your future followers what it will be about. Find a platform that will give you the right to chose your domain name (Bluehost for WordPress is great, for example). Make certain you start leading an Instagram business account with the same name as your fashion blog.
Finding Your Style
Remember, the world of fashion blogging is cruel and the competition is always hot! Here you must find your peculiar style, your voice that will attract readers and differentiate you from other bloggers. Make exceptionally quality and unique content presented in the style peculiar only to you and appear on Instagram particularly in that style. And if you can’t determine what to start writing about, here are some must-have themes for your future fashion blog:
- write about celebrity styles, as many women and young girls (especially teenagers) dream about dressing like a celeb;
- write about approachable clothing, the style you have mustn’t cost a deal as your followers will most likely be ordinary girls with not thickly packed wallets;
- show your own style through unique photos of you or displaying your outfits in flatlays;
- write well and frequently, make certain you post useful content accompanied with interesting stories from three to four times a week, not less;
- DIY projects are always a win, as girls love being creative;
- post original and well-written content, use the language style your followers will stick to entertained and make certain you never borrow or steal ideas from other fashion bloggers;
- do many videos, as girls love to watch sort of “get ready with me” or “apply your make up with me” videos, and post all of them to your Instagram stories as teasers that will lead followers directly to your blog to watch the thorough variants;
- by all means don’t make your fashion blog one big advertisement, as no followers will remain if you always post sponsored content.
Make Superb Presentation
A superb presentation of your blog is mandatory. The fact that you lead a fabulous Instagram account doesn’t mean you must neglect your blog’s design. If your followers are attracted to you on this social network yet get disappointed once they pass to your blog, you risk losing them. If you can’t yet figure it out what look your blog should have, it’s better to stick to a classy variant. An unorganized, messy blog will not only repel your readers and followers attracted through your Instagram account but also will “drive away” any potential business partnership or collaboration with other bloggers.
Don’t Hide Your Unique View on Fashion
If you find you have an exceptional view on fashion, don’t be shy to present it. At first, you may not have the anticipated success, yet gradually people thinking out-of-the-box will appear, be certain. Besides, don’t hurry to illustrate the topic talked over and over by thousands of fashion bloggers. For instance, if others look up to every piece that hits the runway during a Fashion Week, you’d better look through them and see what’s the audience is wearing.
And remember to synchronize your fashion blog and your business fashion profile on Instagram. Post screenshots of your articles, make video teasers on Stories, and always use relevant hashtags!