In our previous post, we spoke about how important it is for an Instagram brand to make use of its customers’ feedback. And if you are running your own business, too, you can use your clients’ experiences for enhancing its promotion on Instagram and growing your brand overall awareness. For this, you must first start hearing the complaints of your clientele and use them to improve your production/services. Make all your dissatisfied clients express their complaints, and not just turn to your competitors silently leaving you unaware of what you did wrong. InstaBF, one of those unique services you can always turn to whenever you are in need of Instagram and IGTV likes, comments, views, and followers, described three crucial tips how to make silent clients speak out. These are calling, live chat and abandon cart pop-ups.

Now it’s time to head on and find out whether there are things you can’t learn from customers directly. And the answer is definitely Yes! To fill in all the gaps and have answers to all your questions, learn reading between lines so that you can interpret essential data and make accurate references.



Monitoring the Engagement Rates

Most probably you have experienced multiple times when an EDM has dropped into your inboxes and you haven’t even opened them! For most of us, reading the subject line is enough to understand whether it is from our acquaintances or from a certain company. A couple of seconds are thoroughly enough to decide if we are interested in opening it or would rather delete unopened. And believe, none of us gives it a thought to give the brand a feedback it might need so much. The same can be said about liking posts of that particular Instagram brand or clicking-through to related content on a webpage. All this means that a brand ought to become an expert when the matter concerns recording and interpreting engagement data. As a brand, you would like to find out how many users would open your EDMs and respond to your posts, get to know what are your CTRs and how much time people usually spend on your Instagram business account and, what’s more important, on your official website. If you can detect a decline in any of these areas, consider applying some new approaches, enhance the images.



Customer Testing


The process when a website is tested to make sure it’s user-friendly is acquired as customer testing! For this, you can either use real customers or watch your website from the point of a customer’s view. Consider such points, as how your Instagram brand account and your website look, how convenient they are to navigate and use (find information, apply for help, etc.), how they are opened from different browsers, etc. It will be great to assign a reliable frank person to look at your website closely and tell you whether there are things to be improved, added or removed. And don’t forget to pay attention to your website SEO. Even if the visual attractiveness is on the top, because of poor SEO customers won’t be able to find your website easily.





It’s a common experience for websites to have an FAQ section (frequently asked questions). As a rule, such common matters are to be discussed here as how much it costs to ship a product, the costs return processes, etc. If the FAQ is comprehensive, most customers will find the matters they are concerned with and won’t leave the website frustrated. If you get a high rate of queries, this will indicate your FAQ needs improvement and doesn’t satisfy most customers.