One of the most loved interactive features of the Instagram conversational platform is its “Questions” sticker. A popular Instagram and IGTV provider InstaBF spoke about it once the sticker first appeared on the platform. And now we are going to remind our readers a couple of things about it and show a couple of ways how brands can connect their followers and customers through this feature. In fact, the Instagram Questions sticker is quite an easy yet creative means of elevating Gram Stories. Take this article as a guide and we shall show some inspiring examples by brands winning with Questions.



Tips for Using “Questions” Sticker Efficiently


There’s no difficulty in adding a Questions sticker to an Instagram Story (we have already explained it) but without some good planning, all your efforts might appear in vain. So, here are several tips to include in your strategy.


  • Don’t overdo it


Once Instagram introduces a new feature, it seems like bombarding your account through everyone’s Stories! However, don’t forget that your own Story will rack others’ accounts, too. So that your Instagram Story doesn’t include boring content and pointless answers, don’t overdo with your Questions sticker. Use it only deliberately and sparingly. Remember that it’s better to use the feature better than more.


  • Make it count


As a responsible Instagram marketer, you must have always made sure that the content strategy behind the posts and Stories is perfectly catered to your brand voice. It has always aligned with your business goals and has always fitted your brand style, so should do the use of Questions sticker. Before making any Story with the use of this sticker, find out what goal it pursuits, whether that’s gathering product feedback, creating trust among your customers, or simply adding momentum to an Instagram campaign. If all these aren’t taken into consideration, you may count the efforts invested a waste.  


  • Always Answer Sincerely


When asking to submit a question, you must be ready to provide a sincere answer regardless of its type. In fact, your followers expect that from you, hence make sure you don’t betray them. Devote enough time to both monitoring and replying all the questions with complete and informative answers. You can find out how many questions to expect by having a look at your Gram analytics. By the way, these questions can become a means of recovering from a social media failure, rebuilding trust among your followers and showing you are ready to demonstrate transparency.



Brands Using Instagram Question Stickers Efficiently


Throughout all these months since summer 2018, multiple Instagram brands have fulfilled amazing campaigns with the active use of Question stickers. They have been using this sticker to answer product questions, connect with followers over shared values, run Q&A, host an Instagram takeover, ask questions of your followers, support a campaign and curate an FAQ. Among these brands are such remarkable ones as outdoor retailer MEC, Vancouver Art Gallery, CBC, Starbucks, Frank + Oak, University of Toronto, and others.

Include Instagram Question stickers into your marketing campaign and use it smartly, be certain great results won’t make you wait long.