Want to achieve better social media marketing results spending less time and efforts? Then you are to make use of certain social media automation tools. And a lot of them were created especially for Instagram. Would you like to know how to succeed in Instagram by using automation? Then keep up with InstaBF, a leading provider of IG and IGTV likes, comments, views, and followers.
Finding and Following New Accounts Through Automate Services
There are different Instagram automation bots available on the internet that vary in terms of the services. For instance, InstaBF is among those services that offer you different packages at different prices. Generally, to make use of automation bots you need to tell the hashtags and accounts you’d like to follow. After this, the bot will start following the mentioned accounts, as well as those coinciding with the stated hashtags. Besides, these accounts are added gradually on a daily basis so that you get a natural-looking account activity.
Automating the Posting Schedule
Other automation services allow scheduling posts beforehand. This way you can efficiently batch the entire content creation process, thus devoting only some time a week on creating the necessary content to entertain your target audience. Besides, due to these automation services, your posts will appear on your account at the very exact time most of your followers. You won’t be obliged to access Instagram every day, instead, you can focus on those tasks that can’t be automated.
Automating Comments
If some people are sure that automating comments always appear spammy, this doesn’t have to be true. If you do everything correctly and set the bot right, you will be able to leave relevant comments without looking fake.
Anyway, you’d better set automate comments on only a few photos per day. The reason is that bots interact with thousands of photos on a daily basis and programming relevant comments on all of them would be simply impossible. Besides, it will be great to pair automated and manual genuine comments.
Automating DM
Just like with automated comments, direct messages can be entrusted to bots, too. Nevertheless, as it’s really hard to create contextually relevant messages for each follower. Hence, you will have to use generic phrases such as “Thanks for following” or “Big Sales Approaching”, etc., and limit direct messaging automatically to a small number of accounts every day.
Save Time but Don’t Avoid Work
After setting a bot just one time, you mustn’t walk away and forget about checking it. If you do it, then that will mean you are escaping work and seeking an easy way to monetize your Instagram. Surely, you have the right to have such kind of a desire, but relying on automation completely won’t get you very far. You should still spend some time on creating content for your followers manually and engaging your followers. Establishing stable customer relationships can’t be fulfilled with 100% automation. Use bots just for getting assistance, and not doing your job.