There are many brands who have achieved great success on Instagram. Nike is definitely one of them. Surely, it had been enjoying popularity and people’s love long before Instagram appeared, yet this social network helped it reach to even more people around the globe. Would you like to learn the secrets of Nike’s Instagram success? InstaBF, a leading provider of Instagram and IGTV likes, views, comments and followers, wants you to get inspired by Nike’s approach to Gram marketing. Hence, here are the major keys to building an engaged community on Instagram.



Starting It All with Personalization


Despite the huge number of followers (around 85 million), the brand takes a personalized approach to engage with its audience. So that to provide a consistent experience on Instagram, all employees must know the brand to its core. Only this way they can communicate with customers from the brand’s name. That’s the basis of the brand’s success on this platform. Before an employee gets to work, he must have clear answers to the following questions:

  • Who is Nike?
  • What does it do?
  • Why does it do that?
  • What is the brand voice of Nike?
  • How can Nike’s products improve people’s lives?


“Arming” employees with a whole set of guidelines how they can handle conversations across Instagram (and other social media, as well), Nike is sure its team can develop a specific tone of voice right from the first working day.



Planning, Approaching, Managing Customer Care


Nike is situated in the center of the Pacific Northwest, yet it has hundreds of employees working in multiple departments. It’s logical that the presence or absence of collaboration between various teams may create a jumbled feel for the brand’s customers. To avoid this, all the teams are briefed on the stories that are gong to be spread on various accounts of the brand. This helps Nike stay consistent in terms of messaging, brand voice, captions, hashtags, and so forth.

In fact, the brand tries to participate in relevant conversations as much as possible, yet responding to millions of messages they get per year is simply impossible. Most of all, the brand responds to messages when they feel they can help customers with their answers.  



The Community as a Critical Tool for Nike


Nike’s content creates millions of conversations and engagements, yet it also serves another important purpose – the community. As a rule, once a brand invests money and time in activating their community, it gets fantastic engagement results down the line. As Instagram social media is where people share their thoughts and experiences, as well as ask questions related to support, Nike doesn’t lose its chance of building its own community here.

So, if you work hard to have your brand talked about on Instagram, here are several tips by Nike:

  • Get something that makes your audience talk or move. For instance, Nike used gamification in order to make people move. Plus, when a reward is added, that serves as an extra stimulus.
  • People love to share their stories. Hence, make sure that the content you post on Gram can be re-shared by at least a part of your followers who will feel related to your posts. This will significantly increase shares!
  • Today social media with Instagram, in particular, is a more critical tool for the relationship between a brand and its customers that phone or email. Nike has realized this and is actively embracing modern technologies. This way it meets halfway its customers, nearly all of which are on Instagram! So should you do!