Setting the Perfect Instagram Profile Picture

Setting the Perfect Instagram Profile Picture

When it comes to an Instagram profile picture, the concept that a picture is worth a thousand words becomes more than true. When an Instagram user looks at your feed, he gets an idea what you or your brand do and what your entire account is about. And if it seems to you that picking up the right Instagram profile picture is a super-easy thing to do, we have to disappoint you. If you want to make an impression with your absolutely nailing shot, you must make certain the profile picture is correctly and accurately chosen. Here are the major tips InstaBF, a leading provider or Instagram and IGTV likes, comments, views, and followers of the industry, would like to share with you.



Keeping It on Brand


If you represent a brand or have your own on Instagram, your brand logo or its shortened version is better to use as a profile picture. This way you can ensure a long-term brand recognition and once any Instagram user lands on your page, he will instantly get introduced to both your branding and your logo.

In the meantime, if you have a personal business (you might be a photographer or an influencer, for instance), using a headshot as your profile picture can appear more expedient. This way you will be selling “you” on this social network to your visitors or customers right off the bat.



Getting it Aesthetically Right


It’s mandatory to keep the profile picture in the same aesthetic level as the entire account with its feed. You can acquire it as an addition to your profile and its grid. For this, use the same color palette for the profile image and your entire account, as well as stay to your peculiar style and theme.



Keeping It Evergreen


What do you think, will your Instagram account look professional if it’s summer outdoors and your profile picture features you with a Christmas tree in the background? This will signify you are inactive on Instagram or don’t take it seriously. This means you will need to think more seriously about your profile picture and pick up the one that will be actual throughout the whole year. This must be a picture taken in the background of any holiday (Christmas, Halloween, Eastern, etc.), a beach image, a graduation photo, etc. Select an evergreen image to stand the test of the time. Pick up a neutral background, don’t use special accessories or clothing that may go out of fashion in the nearest future.

Additionally, if you have accounts on different social media platforms, it will be better to change all profile pictures to the same image.

If your purpose is to stand out, use bright colors or a feature wall for the background of your profile picture, yet make certain it doesn’t detract a user from the focus of your picture.



The Perfect Size


Instagram profile pictures are to be perfect squares with 110 x 110 pixels. Take this into account if you don’t want Instagram to crop your beloved profile image itself into the circle on your feed. Test out your profile picture any time you want it to change.



Using Props


What is your profile picture all about? Showing your personality from the attractive side! For instance, if you are a dog groomer or a veterinarian, you’d better have a furry friend join you in your profile headshot.

Remember that an Instagram profile picture is very small and there is no chance to zoom it. Hence, if you are using your brand logo on it, be sure it fills as much space of the profile picture circle as possible. It should be easy and clear to read.

If it’s your headshot in the profile image, your face should be vivid and clearly recognized.