5 Grandiose Ideas of Using Instagram Stories Polls

5 Grandiose Ideas of Using Instagram Stories Polls

It’s always a great fun to find ways of engaging with your Instagram audience and grabbing their attention, isn’t it? Especially when all that brings impressive results via a risen engagement rate, more popularity, and bigger sales. And if you agree with this, most probably you are always in a search of new ideas on how to make your Instagram game more attractive and remarkable. Well, what if you start using Instagram Stories polls for this purpose? These are fantastic tools for not only grabbing your followers’ attention but an efficient means of learning their opinions concerning any matter you are interested in.

IG offers two diverse poll stickers that can help you make out of your game: the first classic poll provides only two customizable answer options, while the second emoji slider is a lot more fun. And now InstaBF, your true friend in the world of Instagram, is going to share with you the best ways how you can make use of Stories polls.



Crowdsourcing Ideas and Gathering Feedback

Perhaps the best idea of getting sincere feedback on your services or products is going directly to the source and Stories polls will help in this. Just ask questions with polls and get a direct feedback right from your target audience. This way you will find out what products are particularly appreciated by real customers and what content your Instagram audience expects to see from you.

Nevertheless, when crowdsourcing ideas through Stories polls, it’s crucial to give the right questions and assure your customers that you are really listening to them. For this, share the results of every Instagram Stories poll you organize once its time is over, i.e. after 24 hours.

For instance, popular celebrity hairstylist Jen Atkin uses this technique to find out what her followers expect from her. One of her latest polls helped her create her own luggage collection.




Driving Traffic to One’s Brand Website


Once Instagram made it possible to add links to IG Stories, driving traffic to one’s website became even easier. This was in 2017 and since then, Instagrammers have been searching creative ways of making people swipe up on their stories. And to make it efficiently, Instagram Stories polls can be greatly helpful. This idea is broadly used by various brands. 



Learning More about Your Audience


One of the most efficient ways of learning more about your followers is using Instagram Stories polls. Ask questions and find out what they like, dislike, and expect to see on your account. Perhaps they wish to see more of behind-the-scenes content or your witty captions. Build deeper relations with them and they will come back for more, be sure.


Educating Your Audience on Your Brand


Another grandiose purpose IG Stories polls can serve for is educating your audience about your brand. No matter if you use this IG feature to announce about launching a new product or just want your customers to know why your brand is so unique, polls will easily grab their attention. For instance, the activewear brand Girlfriend Collective often uses Stories polls to create a buzz among their followers before launching a new product.



Giving Your Audience More Choice with Emoji Slider Polls


Emoji Sliders are used to give your followers more than simply two options to choose from. They are great to step away from the already boring standard “yes or no” questions! You can add your text, create as many options of answers with this feature as you wish!