How to Turn Your Pet Into an Instagram Celebrity

How to Turn Your Pet Into an Instagram Celebrity

Did you know that there are Instagram profiles of pets that have attracted millions of followers from around the globe? And these pets bring really big money to their owners. These lovely dogs, cats, foxes, rabbits, hamsters and other animals look so cute and adorable that it’s simply impossible not to like their profiles and become truthful followers. Anyway, their natural charm is definitely not enough for having a success on Instagram’s platform. The pet’s owner should have a good knack for design, marketing, and social media strategy. Especially for our little pets and their owners, we have gathered several most essential tips on how to make them Instagram famous and make money from it.


Choose the Best Descriptive Brand

Before setting a pet’s account, first, you need to choose a brand that perfectly describes your pet. For instance, if you can best describe your pet as a troublemaker, or a curious little thing, get to state it in the profile. Additionally, make sure all the photos you post later coincide with the chosen brand. This way your pet’s followers will know what to expect when visiting the profile. It’s really crucial to keep things consistent. If your beloved pet’s brand is something like “nature-adorer”, it will be at least odd to post the pet in high-end hotel rooms surrounded with luxury and gleam. And visa versa, city dogs should not constantly appear photographed in forests.


Don’t Settle for Less

An immense number of followers brings not only great fame to pets but also quite good profit to their owners. As soon as your pet’s account hits 20k followers’ scale, you are going to start earning money. But before this, you won’t be likely to get anything more than free stuff by cooperating with companies. They will approach you with offers to exchange free food or goods for your pet to photos of your pet with the products posted in its account. And even if it may sound tempting, it will definitely repel more serious brands. They will expect you to cooperate with them for free, too. Hence, if you’re seriously planning to profit from your pet’s account, hold out for a paycheck.


Implement Hashtags and Post Systematically

Regular posting will help you keep your pet’s followers interested. Whether you take fresh photos/videos of your pet every day or devote some time to gather a pack of photos/videos to spread them over the upcoming weeks, make sure you provide your followers with new content at least five days a week. Most owners of famous Instagram pets make a couple of posts every day!

What concerns hashtags, you’d better utilize them for every post made. This way people can find your pet’s account easier through Insta’s “Discover” feature.


Enjoy It

No matter how many hours you have to spend on your pet’s Instagram account, or how much profit it brings to you, you won’t succeed unless you love what you do. Enjoy every minute spent with a camera in your hands and your beloved pet posing for you. Be certain, people feel particularly which photos were taken with great love and tenderness!

InstaBF is sure that adhering to the few points mentioned above, you will make your lovely pet a real Instagram celebrity in a timely manner! Yet, if you need a start for it, InstaBF is ready to help you! Order likes, comments, views, and followers for your pet on an affordable basis. All the comments will be made by real users with active engagement rate. It will be an honor for us to contribute to the rise of your pet’s Instagram career!