Tools for Attracting Instagram Followers

Tools for Attracting Instagram Followers

Can you guess what every Instagrammer dreams of the most? You’re right if your answer is “more followers”! According to the statistics, every Instagrammer gets happier and more content seeing people like his/her feed and have the desire to become a part of his/her virtual life. So, before presenting the best Instagram tools that can help you in attracting more followers, let InstaBF introduce its offer. We are the service you can apply for getting tons of likes, comments, views and of course followers! We are not a bot, and all your new followers are sure to be real people with active feeds. Perhaps this is the shortest way of having that desirable “k” letter beside the number of your followers! Anyway, while you’re considering when to order a “portion” of followers from InstaBF, we shall together check out some other feasible ways of increasing the number of your Instagram followers.

Posting Quality Photos

Needless to say, the photos you usually post on Instagram play a major role in attracting followers. Hence, before you post your next selfie, you’d better consider adjusting its brightness, adding filters and overlays, or even changing the background. There are great tools today. That can be of great use to you. These are VSCO, Snapseed, Over. Each of them is easy to use and promises amazing results.

Creating Attractive Feeds on Instagram

The first thing one notices when viewing someone’s Instagram profile is his/her feed. Surely, posting great photos and videos is good, yet a smartly built feed is crucial, too. There is a wonderful tool that will help you tremendously in this. This is Visual Instagram Planner. It’s helps to plan and design a perfect Instagram feed. By dragging your photos here, you will get an image how to rearrange them for a better look before posting. By the way, the tool is mobile friendly.

Managing Instagram Contest

Undoubtedly, one of the quickest ways of engaging new followers on Instagram is hosting a contest. This requires neither special skills nor tools. But there are a couple of tools you might find helpful for this task. The WooBox is a wonderful tool to create sweepstakes, promotions, UGC contests and other stuff. Wishpond is another useful tool operating in the same way.

Choosing Right Time for Posting

The more people notice your posts, the more are your chance to get new followers. Hence, it’s essential to track the best time for each of your posts. With the assistance of Instagram Insights, you get an access to tons of valuable information on Instagram users’ age, gender, location and even activity. The Best Time to Post feature, meanwhile, will hint you on when it’s better to make posts for maximal engagement.

Engaging Instagram Stories

Stories are perhaps the most beloved Instagram feature by the vast majority of users. If used smartly, this feature will bring you plenty of new followers. If you have no idea how to create interesting stories, make use of Storeo tool. The latter will let you shoot a long video and then split it into 15 seconds-long slices to play in sequence.

Boomerang can be greatly helpful, too. With this app, you can shoot several photos that will easily be turned into GIFs.

Canva mobile application can be used for creating interesting graphics for social media. It has a large library to choose a template form, upload your own photo and post already remade new photograph in your story.

Using Better Hashtags

Paying great attention to your hashtags is really important. Some hashtags have engaged a whole community behind them. Some of them may be specific to the audience you are interested in. And there are some tools that can help you identify the most appropriate hashtags.

The phenomenon of Instagram

The phenomenon of Instagram

Nowadays everyone knows what Instagram is, there are millions of users. What attracts all of them? What makes Instagram so popular all over the world? InstaBF knows answer to these questions and we are going to tell you about it in a bit. If you are interested – stay tuned!

Online attention and approval on Instagram

All of us like attention and approval: we are born in society, raised by people and communicate with other people. It is something that unites all people in the world, because it is common for everyone. Nobody likes to be isolated for a long time, it is not natural for us. Everyone seeks approval from others, because this is how you learn that you are doing right, besides, it can keep you motivated to continue doing your thing no matter what it is.

The phenomenon of Instagram is rather simple ­­– with a like, a new follower or comments we get online approval that makes us feel better, even happier. Moreover, whereas being praised by parents and friends has become an ordinary thing, which isn’t always objective, a rewarding like from a stranger can give a bigger boost to one’s confidence.

What else you can find on Instagram

Of course, for some people likes and followers are not a priority. They just want to follow their friends and see what is going on in their lives. Others consider their Instagram pages to be some kind of electronic photo album, where they can post different moments of their lives and share them with other people at the same time.

However, there is something absolutely different from personal accounts on Instagram, and namely Instagram accounts for business purposes. Here we don’t speak about inner urge to get approval from people (however it may take place), but about goals and aims of brand development as well as raising money and marketing. It can be fun to read it, but once again, all those things are tightly connected with likes, followers and comments on Instagram, and we can even say that the prosperity of your Instagram account depends on them.

Likes, followers and comments

Likes, followers and comments are three pillars on which the phenomenon of Instagram is built. Likes stand for approval from people, followers show us that people are interested in the account and what this account represents (it can be one’s job, personality, business etc.), and comments are a way of interaction between users. All things considered one can say that the idea of Instagram is simple and this is what makes this social network so successful.

InstaBF and Instagram

After reading this article you may have an idea of how powerful the phenomenon of Instagram is. Depending on your own aspirations and ambitions you can always rely on our service. We work with both small and big accounts and help them to achieve their goals.

Buying Instagram Likes (part 2)

Buying Instagram Likes (part 2)

If you post a photo on Instagram you probably expect to get likes from people, because this is how you get to know that people are interested in you, your content and, in general, that they like you. Sometimes it’s difficult to wait for feedback from different people (except for your friends and relatives, of course!). What to do if you face this stumbling block of being in a social vacuum? Make sure you do everything to attract people’s attention ­– adding hashtags, tagging different accounts, communicating with your followers. Still doesn’t work? Then we have something for you  – likes and followers. In this article we are going to tell you something new about «being liked» on Instagram, and if you want more information you can also check Part 1.

Starting with a smaller amount of likes

Depending on your goals you might want to have a bigger or smaller amount of likes. It is rather understandable, because it is simple math as a matter of fact: the more likes you get­, the more people see and visit your page. Normally, big companies and celebrities have thousands or even millions of likes. For a small blogger even two or three hundreds of likes would be a good start. We can explain why: firstly, this amount might seem small to you in comparison to the number of likes under some celebrities’ pictures, but this amount is rather significant for ordinary Instagram users. Secondly, if you want to have YOUR audience, meaning people who are fond of your profile and not those who randomly click on the heart button under your posts, then you should start with something small. Thirdly, if you buy likes for the first time ­– this amount costs less and in the long run, you save money.

More likes – more opportunities

Buying a big amount of likes can really boost up your profile if it already has a concept. Having an idea, personal approach and even style of editing pictures as well as the way of writing captions play a great role. Buying likes will bring your account to another level. It can appear in Instagram top and then you won’t have to search for people, they will find you themselves! Another important reason why a huge amount of likes can help you to speed up the promotion of yourself or of your business(and we have already written about it before) is that people tend to follow proved accounts, the number of followers and likes influence users’ perception and the degree of their trust in you or your business. So if you think it’s what you need then you should think about buying a bigger amount of likes.

Our service

To sum it up, you can choose your own promotion strategy. Maybe you have different goals, which are not listed in this article, but anyway, you can always count on our service in case you are eager to buy likes or followers. Want to check it out? Click here for more information about our offers and prices.