Mind-Blowing Halloween Content Ideas for Your IG Account

Mind-Blowing Halloween Content Ideas for Your IG Account

One of the funniest and spookiest times of the year is Halloween (well, at least for those living in the western part of the world). And it’s definitely worth celebrating this amazing day with a chic and a huge portion of horror even on Instagram, isn’t it?! And if you have already started thinking about your Halloween costume, your treats or the club you’re going to spend the night it, it’s also worth considering transporting this celebration into your Instagram account, too. So, with this said, InstaBF, one of those rare IG and IGTV providers you can fully trust, is going to reveal 11 best Halloween content ideas to try out this Halloween. You can start right away!



Creating a Mood  

not take a photo in a pumpkin patch if you have one nearby? You needn’t dress like going to a Halloween party. Instead, opt for your favorite fall outfit and organize a photo session for you surrounded with plenty of pumpkins yet to pick up. Or, to appear a bit scary beforehand, you can move your photo session to a forest. The major conditions, in this case, will be taking a photo when it’s already or nearly dark, and… not being afraid to go to a forest when it’s already or nearly dark! Both types of photos are better to post at least several days before the day of Halloween just to create a mood.



Carousel Spooky Story


If you feel like creative, why not invest your mood into a scary Instagram story? For this, make use of various graphics and post them in an IG carousel. You will succeed with this, if you are a writer who can create a sort yet really thrilling scaring story, or you are an ordinary IG user who has a spooky story idea to share with his audience.



Get Something Spooky but Cutesy

Aren’t you a big fan of Halloween? Or perhaps you have no intention to scare your followers? In both cases, you can opt for something cutesy and at the same time Halloween themed.



Insta Stories Mini-Movie


The fact you can add music in IG Stories makes it possible to put together a series of fun or scary videos and make it look like a mini-movie. This can be your Halloween makeup tutorial, a collection of posters of your favorite horror movies, etc. Whatever it is, if the theme is of Halloween and supported with an appropriate background music, you are sure to get the Halloween party started right on Instagram.



Home Decor Inspiration

Do you love decorating your house appropriately for Halloween? Why not share the results with your followers?!



Movie Guide for Halloween


Do you consider yourself a big movie buff and have a wonderful collection of horror movies you’d like to share with your followers? Halloween is the best time to share a series of covers from your favorite movies as a recommendation.



Halloween Insta Giveaway


If you run your own brand on Instagram, Halloween is the best occasion to promote it through a giveaway. This can be a Starbucks gift card for several spiced pumpkin lattes or a coupon for a big sale on your branded Halloween-themed scarves. It doesn’t matter, just organize an appropriate contest and encourage your followers to participate with a luscious giveaway promise!



Halloween Makeup Look

An inseparable part of a Halloween outfit is the makeup. One simply can’t go past a freaky scary makeup look on this celebration. Why not share a tutorial or the mere result in a carousel post to your audience?!



Halloween Party Food Inspiration

Who can pass by tasty and Halloween-inspired treats?! There are multiple ideas you can repost or implement on your own to share with your followers in IG Stories!



Halloween Costumes

Do you feel awkward sharing your Halloween costume or want to save the secret up to the party time? Then why not share the funny costume of your pet?



Halloween Quotes


Using a Halloween quote on your Instagram feed is going to create the right atmosphere and predispose your followers to something more impressive, something grandiose! Quotes are multiple, use any you like incorporated into a graphic or used as a caption.