Getting on the Instagram Explore Page

Getting on the Instagram Explore Page

Have you heard that followers are like the Holy Grail for an Instagram account? No matter what objectives your Instagram marketing campaign has, or what you expect from this social network, you simply can’t do without followers! Without a significant number of followers, any Story you make or any hashtag you use will bring no profit to you. Surely, the shortest way of obtaining new followers is applying to InstaBF, the industry-leading provider of Instagram and IGTV likes, views, comments, and followers. Here you can get as many new followers as you like at an affordable cost.

Nevertheless, today we shall find out how you can get features and gain more followers through the Instagram Explore Page. This can bring you the fame on Instagram you crave for!


How Gram Chooses Content for the Explore Page


There aren’t any precise details revealed concerning the Explore’s algorithm. Yet, what we know for sure is that everyone’s Explore page is different depending on the people and pages the Insta user connects to, what content that particular user likes and shares. Additionally, so that the post is made to the Explore Page, it must have great popularity. And the point is not only the likes and comments it gets, but also the constantly updated Instagram’s algorithm.


Analyzing the Content on the Explore Page

Perhaps the easiest way of getting an insight into how the Explore Page works is exploring the content on your own. How? Let’s check this out together:

Step 1: Choose the first 10 posts of the Explore Page;

Step 2: Distribute them into groups according to the categories;

Step 3: Count how many likes and interactions each category has;

Step 4: Record the hashtags these posts use;

Step 5: Catch the style of the captions the posts have.


Now when you have collected all the necessary data, compare them to your last interactions on Instagram. Most probably you will find connections between your own user behavior on this social network and the content on the Explore Page.


Learn Which is Your Target Audience


Getting to know your target audience better will help you get more followers and build a more successful marketing strategy. Find out what content is most liked and commented on by the people your marketing campaign is targeted at, what hashtags they use, at which hours they are more active, etc. If you manage to learn your average followers’ type, you will have more chances of creating content that will appear on the Explore Page.


Scheduling Posts at the Right Time


Do you know at what hours your target audience is active? You should! Look at your Instagram insights for that information. The key is that the content that gets more interaction right after being published has bigger chances of appearing in the Explore Page. And if you appear to be in different time zones to make your posts at the right hours, use scheduling programs like Preppr, Later, Schedulgram, etc.


Make Action-Oriented Posts


Not forgetting that for appearing on the Explore Page your posts must have loads of engagement, “arm” them with impressive CTAs. Ask questions, pose challenges, encourage activities through contests, open debates… Do anything as long as it works and doesn’t contradict Instagram’s rules.  

Just the same way, don’t forget about the right hashtags and geotags.


How Instagram Influencers Interact with Your Posts


If you can make (pay for) an influencer create engagement on your profile, your posts will get all the chances of spotting on the Explore Page. Additionally, you can achieve this even without paying the influencer. Just follow their profiles, make relevant comments, like their posts, write meaningful direct messages and expect them to interact with your posts.