Everything You Should Know about Instagram Story Dimensions

Everything You Should Know about Instagram Story Dimensions

Instagram is quite often compared to a powerhouse. It supplies over a milliard people with energy every month and keeps on enlarging its power day by day. And what makes this social network a hit among users is its stories! Since their creation, Instagram Stories have been the most loved feature of Gram users. People strive to appear more creative, more attractive and impressive from every Story they make. And this creates quite a harsh competition among all users. To stand out, it’s crucial to know all the ins and outs of this feature. And if here, at InstaBF, one of the most credible Instagram and IGTV providers, we have already spoken about how to create amazing Gram Stories or how to enhance them with GIFs, today we’ll refer to such an important aspect as the Story dimensions.



What are Gram Story Dimensions and Why Do We Need Them?


The standard dimensions of Insta Stories (1080px by 1920px) imply that the picture or video you plan to post in your Story must be 1920px in height and 1080px in width. This is equal to the ratio 9:16.

Generally, shooting a portrait photo or a video with your smartphone, you get the exact dimensions to post them on Insta Stories. There’s absolutely nothing to accommodate. However, the capabilities of your smartphone and the requirements of Story dimensions are restricted to this. If you enhance your image quality with the help of other applications such as Illustrator or Photoshop, for instance, you will have to correct the dimensions in the end. Otherwise, if you just upload an image to Insta Story, the latter will crop the image to its necessary size. This way you might lose the most important part of your image. Or, if the image is too small, it will be zoomed and result in quality loss. Who needs this? Nobody! Look at the beautiful photo of the Cornish cliffs in England.


Unfortunately, the photo has other dimensions that Insta Story accepts. Hence, once you upload it, not only the image is zoomed and the quality is dramatically lost, but also the cove’s beach is thoroughly cropped off.


To avoid such situations, stick to the set dimensions.



Insta Story Dimensions for Creating Branded Stories


Surely, Insta’s camera and editors can be used for creating some awesome content Gram stories, but it’s undeniable that those created with professional visual editors are far better. Branded contents are always more eye-catching and stunning!

Canva is one of the most widely-used free online tools. When using this application (after creating an account, of course), remember to tap the “use custom dimensions” instead of choosing a template. After this, insert Insta Story dimensions (1080 x 1920) and tap the “Design” button.



Upload Your Content Faster


The high-resolution images and videos that Instagram Story “demands” are usually larger files which not only take up much storage space in your device but also take a longer time to upload. If you get annoyed by this, there is an option to change the number of pixels (the quality of the image). But remember that the dimensions aspect ratio for an Insta Story must remain 9:16 not to affect the image negatively. Here is a small hint guide:

  • 1080px x 1920px – the best resolution
  • 720px x 1280px – still HD ye uploads faster
  • 450px x 800px – loses quality but uploads very fast