Everything You Should Know About The New Instagram Dark Mode

Everything You Should Know About The New Instagram Dark Mode

Do you love the dark background many applications offer? Is yes, then the new dark mode Instagram has finally released is sure to please you greatly. From now on you can switch off the lights on Instagram and scroll on the fascinating white-on-black color scheme. Feel excited? Let’s have a deeper look at what Instagram has brought into use lately with InstaBF, a leading provider of Instagram and IGTV comments, likes, views, and followers.



What’s the Dark Mode About and ow to Switch It


In summer this year, Apple brought into use the black theme on all iPhones with iOS 13 and higher. As a response to it (or not), Instagram introduced the Dark Mode this week. It’s available for all users with iOS 13 or Android 10 operating systems. To turn it on, make certain your software is up to date. Just go to the setting on your smartphone and see whether you have already installed iOS 13 or Android 10. 

Most probably, you have noticed the new app Threads trying to make the Dark Mode more personalized. Now, when getting in touch with your close friends on Instagram you can select the level of darkness for the application (Daylight, Twilight, Midnight, Aurora, Sunrise). 



Switching to the Dark Mode on iOS Smartphones


If you are using an iPhone, open the Settings, tap the Display and Brightness, choose Dark (the default brightness is set on Light). When switching the Automatic regime, the gadget will switch to the Dark Mode automatically at sunset and then go back to the Light Mode at sunrise. After this, you will see that your Instagram display appears in the new gray-scale theme. 

However, if you don’t register any change, hurry to update the Instagram application to its latest version. Go to the App Store and find Instagram. Most probably you will be prompted here that your Instagram needs an update. Once done, you will be able to enjoy the Dark Mode on your Insta. 

Remember that by turning on the black theme on your iOS smartphone, it will affect all the applications with Dark Mode compatibility you are using. You won’t be allowed to choose which third-party applications must be in a dark mode and which not. 



Switching to the Dark Mode on Android Smartphones 


If you have an Android smartphone it must run the latest version (Android 10) so that you can switch on Instagram Dark Mode. If you find your gadget requires an update, do it. Just go to the settings, open the Display and then pass to the Advanced. Choose Dark from the theme menu of the Device and it will immediately start running across all compatible applications of your smartphone. 



Is It Beneficial to Switch to Dark Mode?


If you think that the Dark Mode is only all about the look and feel, you are mistaken. When you scroll down Instagram feed, a bright screen puts your eyes under strain (especially when the environment is dark). Besides, having the Dark Mode on, you will limit the exposure of melatonin – the hormone responsible for sleeping. 

And finally, having switched the Dark Mode on various applications, you will prolong the battery life. You see, these are only several benefits. Try the new feature and explore the rest yourself.