Blocking and Being Blocked on Instagram

Blocking and Being Blocked on Instagram

Instagram is a broad virtual platform with over 600 million users from around the globe. It’s natural, that you won’t like to be regularly mentioned, liked and commented by people you don’t like or even know. Specially for this, Instagram has created the blocking option. But what happens after you block an Insta user? Or can you find out whether you’ve been blocked by another Instagram user? InstaBF is going to reveal the answers to all these issues right away.

However, prior to passing to today’s direct topic, we would like to introduce our wonderful offer – several packages of Instagram likes, comments and followers! With our help, you will increase not only the number of your followers but also your account engagement.

Blocking Instagram Users

First of all, if you feel embarrassed by the attention from unknown users, you’d better turn off your public account and switch to private one. This way you will restrict the access to spam users to your account. However, if there’s a particular user you no longer wish to “ramble” in you Insta account, you can make your account invisible to him by blocking that particular user. Be aware that if your account is public, it will seem to be removed to that person on merely Instagram yet not on the web. By typing the address of your account in the web, they will be able to access it. Therefore, switching on the private profile, you will solve this problem. The blocked person won’t get any notifications about the blocking. They will just find out that they no longer can interact with you even by the private chat. Even if you like the blocked user’s content or place a comment, it will immediately disappear. Blocking restricts any kind of interaction between you and that particular user.

Finding Out If You Are Blocked

Have you noticed there are no updates from a certain Instagram user in your timeline? Haven’t you thought he/she might have blocked you? If you are already overwhelmed by nagging doubts, let’s find out if you’ve been blocked on Instagram. The simple method of revelation implies a few steps described below. Let’s check them out:

  1. Open your Instagram account.
  2. Search the Instagram user you suspect in blocking you. If the user’s account is supposed to be public, you must find him/her in the People Tab. On the other hand, in case you are “dealing with” a private profile, it won’t be seen here. Instead, you can try to “detect” the user in the list of your mutual friends. If you find any post from that user, then you are not in “blocked” relationships.
  3. After you find the “suspected” profile, have a closer glance at it. In both cases, you will be able to see how many followers he/she has, or how many people he/she follows. The number of posts will be seen, too. However, most probably you won’t be able to access his/her photos or videos.
  4. The next and final step is tapping the “Follow” button. If being blocked by that particular Instagram user, you will not be allowed to do that.

So, as we have found out not seeing the content shared by an Instagram user and not being able to Follow him/her has only one explanation – you have been blocked!