InstaBF, one of those services Instagram users can always turn to if they want to order Instagram and IGTV likes, comments, followers and views on an affordable price, would like to finish the topic we started in our previous article. We are going to discuss with you the third important point referring the differences and similarities between Instagram and Facebook Stories, as well as share such important guideline, as to how you can re-purpose Instagram Stories to Facebook Stories. So, let’s go on.



Stories Insights


And the last important feature to consider refers to Stories analytics. Both platforms gather insights about every Story you make. The difference lies in the quality and the amount of these insights. Let’s have a closer look at them. Instagram Insights offers metrics for link clicks, impressions, exits, profile visits, calls, shares, replies, and much more.

On the other hand, on Facebook Story insights, you can meet such metrics as Story opens, forward and backward taps, forward swipes and exits. That’s all. This limited amount of insights can be assessed only from the desktop Facebook version and not mobile.


So, now when you are aware of all the major similarities and differences between Facebook and Instagram Stories, it’s high time to turn to the next critical point – repurposing Stories from one platform to another.



Repurposing Instagram Stories for Facebook Stories


There’s absolutely nothing difficult in re-purposing Instagram Stories to your Facebook account. Here are the most straightforward three ways you can do this:


Automatic Cross-Posting

Perhaps the simplest means of re-purposing a Story is using Gram’s sharing tools which are all in-built and need no third-party applications. For this, you need to make sure your Instagram and Facebook accounts are linked to each other. Access to your setting and do that. After that, open your Story Controls from Gram settings. Find the line “Share Your Story to Facebook” and tap it. You see, this is as easy as ABC!

The only thing to consider here is that in case your Stories mostly include “Swipe Up” content and you have no chance of adding links, your call-to-actions won’t be carried over to Facebook Stories. This is especially improper for those accounts which have more than 10K followers.

P.S. Remember, that the interactive elements you used on Instagram Story will not work when posted on Facebook.  


Manual Re-Sharing

The second means of re-purposing IG Stories to Facebook is doing it manually. This implies saving the story you’ve made to your device and then publish it on Facebook manually. Surely, this is a time-consuming method but it saves from automatically republishing all Stories you make.

So, to make use of this, before you tap “publish”, download the Story content to your camera roll, then post it on Facebook making use of all the interactive methods the second platform offers.


Using IG Stories Templates

It’s no news that many Instagram businesses make use of third-party applications (Canva, Adobe Photoshop, etc.) for creating unique templates. These are pre-made payouts illustrated with text, graphics, animations that all can be edited to fit ever new story. These templates create a more consistent brand aesthetic. Besides, by downloading your story from the application to your device, you can open it from your Facebook account and post via a Story.