Have you ever thought about how such popular project as Instagram was started and changed during 5 years? Instagram users post 70 million photos, which get 2.5 billion “likes” daily. In october 2010 Burbn project was made into Instagram, the general idea was making mobile photography.

October 6, 2010: Instagram was released.

December, 2010: one million users signed up.

January, 2011: hashtags were added.

July, 2011: five million users had uploaded 100 million photos.

September, 2011: new version 2.0 was launched. New filters and functions were added. Over 10 million users.

April 3, 2012: Android version became available for download. More than 30 million users. One million uploadings.

April 12, 2012: Instagram was sold to Facebook for one billion $. Instagram closely integrated with Facebook.

August, 2012: 575 likes and 81 comments were added every second. Users spent 257 minutes in a month on Instagram.

December 17, 2012: Amount of users decreased by 25 % by reason of innovation — Instagram wanted to use content for advertising goals.

February, 2013: Over 100 million users.

June, 2013: video sharing was released. Videos up to 15 seconds can now be uploaded.

August, 2013: 130 million users.

November 21, 2013: Instagram for Windows Phone 8 were launched.

March, 2014: 200 million users.

March, 2015: Instagram announced new function for brands: buttons “Buy now” and “Launch now”.

July, 2015: quality of pictures increased — 1080×1080 px.

August, 2015: Instagram added new picture-size.

September 30, 2015: 400 million users. Video advertising appeared on Instagram. By the way, sales started in Russia.

March, 2016: maximum record size is 60 seconds.News feed compiled according to user’s interests.

May, 2016: Instagram changed design.

August, 2016: Instagram Stories were released, which are deleted after 24 hours.

June, 2016: 500 million users.