Blocking an account in Instagram or deleting it is a nightmare of this extremely popular application users. A person with hundreds of subscribers and thousands of likes and posts will be depressed if something like that happens to him. Meanwhile, even a simple user will feel some pain inside him when he finds once he has lost an account – his “child”, taking so much energy, time and even money.

Studying the application Terms of Use, you’ll get what you must not do not to lose such an expensive and valuable account. Here are the most popular of them – learn these prohibitions by heart! These rules cannot be violated.

Protect your password and account

– You cannot share your password with anyone, because you are solely responsible for all actions taken from your account.
– When you wish maintaining a company account, you need to obtain a written permission for it – usually the company leader provides this stuff. If for some reasons your account is blocked, Instagram can ask you for this letter to prove that you really represent the company on its behalf.
– Do not sell already promoted accounts.

Kids under 13 rules

A child under 13 years cannot use Instagram. Parents of children registered in Instagram, can visit a special section created for them. Dads and moms will find them the answers to FAQ. It is possible to delete the child’s account if he is not 13 years old. This action, however, requires an official evidence of his age (screens of documents, for instance). When a child is over 13, you cannot delete his account even when you are a parent.

Violence and nude photos are prohibited

You cannot publish photos containing violence as well as illegal, aggressive, pornographic materials. Instagram can remove photos of naked or partially naked children, even if they are posted by parents with all their deep true parental love. Instagram knows how to take care of your child, and removes certain photos not just to delete them, but to avoid using such information for criminal purposes. Also you can not publish photos of female nipples. However, photos with scars from mastectomy or photos of women breastfeeding their babies are allowed. Meanwhile images of naked bodies in painting, sculpture and other arts are allowed.

Prohibition of insulting people

– You cannot slander, persecute, annoy, insult or threaten people. In general, you should not do it in real life, but Instagram does not rely on your decency and prescribes it in its Rules.
– When you really want to criticize someone, let it be celebrities. Instagram informs all its users that a critical discussion of people who appear in the news or have a large audience of fans based on their profession or activity is allowed.
– Calls for making some self-harm and “advertising” of suicide are prohibited.

Private information prohibitions

– It is forbidden to publish someone else’s private or confidential information and intimate photos. Take revenge on your ex-girlfriends and ex-boyfriends in other social networks or do it personally.

Stay away from Instagram website design

– You cannot edit and redesign your website in such a way that it creates a deceptive impression of communication with Instagram.
– Instagram logo is a trademark, and it cannot be copied and imitated.
– Do not use foreign domain names or web addresses in your user name. If you still want doing it, apply for permission from Instagram.

Spam and fake actions

– You do not have to create or send spam.

Meanwhile, buying likes at InstaBF is legal – do it easy and for cheap.

Posting photos

It is forbidden to upload photos that you did not do yourself. However, some users do it. If these posts are not offensive and do not constitute advertising, they may be ignored

Follow these simple rules, and you Instagram account will be never blocked.