No matter if you have already grown your Instagram following to your plateau or you are just going to launch something new and awesome, you will feel somewhat worried making a decision to set up your first Instagram ad. How to begin this quite responsible task? What are you supposed to present in it? Let these and other related questions bother you no longer, as popular Instagram and IGTV provider InstaBF is here to hold your hand and walk you through the laborious process of creating the first Insta ad! You can even act while reading this post surely adhering to all the steps we shall describe in details.



The Concept

The first step in your first Gram Ad is coming up with a working and creative concept or idea, as you may like. It must grab your target customers’ attention while not contradicting your brand. To come up with all this stuff easily, just consider what result you’d like to achieve with your ad campaign. Is your intention to make people laugh like a loon and click your ad to watch it once more? Or you plan to make your followers hurry to click and buy the product advertised by an Insta influencer? So, as you have guessed, only a strong concept tied to a clear objective can make up a compelling ad on Instagram.



The Format

The first thing that comes to mind when thinking about creating an Instagram ad is the format of a photo. Yet, do not think so narrow. There are other quite more entertaining and effective ad formats to consider. For instance, you can use a carousel ad (whether photo- or video-based, choose yourself) or a newsfeed ad. Ads in Insta Stories are effective, too. If you manage to set up them correctly, you can achieve a low cost-per-click. Just make sure every ad lasts 14 seconds not to be parted.

However, if you feel uncertain, you’d better not risk and choose the simplest format for the start, which is a single image with an accurate and beautiful copywriting.



The Objective

To the get the results you anticipate, it’s crucial to have the right objective. For example, if you optimize your Gram Ads for such specific outcomes as Website Conversions, Mobile Application Installs, or Website Clicks, achieving actual results is more than possible. For this, however, you may need these:

  • Specific Website Link and Google Analytics for Website Clicks;
  • Campaign Links for Mobile Application Installs;
  • FB Pixel on Website for Website Conversions.



How to Start It

Here are the basic steps to follow accurately:

  • Log into FB Ads Manager from a PC desktop;
  • Tap the “Create Ads” if it’s your first advertisement, or tap the “Manage Ads” in case you’d like to review past ones;
  • Click on “Create” and choose the objective and start setting up your first ad;
  • There is an option to select “Create multiple new ad sets” for those who want to test audience variations of the Insta ad and find out particularly which brings you the anticipated results.

By the way, the first Instagram Ad can help you test your target audience location, your image and video success, and your Insta Ad copywriting for captions.



Monitor the New Ad

Monitoring your first Instagram ad by having all the advertisement variations running for a couple of days (will cost you $5 per day), you can easily detect which type of ad works best for your brand and which the most costly to run is. As a result, you will end up having the ad type that gets you a low cost per result. Great, isn’t it?