The abundance of useful posts InstaBF has been providing you with all this time is sure to have taught you much. And now, when you have built a loyal following on Instagram, have crafted your unique Gram aesthetic and use Stories to grow your audience more, it’s high time to learn how you can monetize your Instagram account! Sounds thrilling, doesn’t it?
Well, the primary three ways of earning money through your Instagram account if you don’t have a brand, are the followings:
- run sponsored posts;
- share affiliate links to products or services;
- sell e-commerce products.
Creating an online course is perhaps one of the most beneficial ways of monetizing your account while engaging your followers and building even stronger relationships with them. That’s why today InstaBF, a leading Instagram and IGTV provider, will refer to this theme.
Know Your “Why”
Before you start recording videos and selling them, it’s important to find out what your course will be about, and why. To do this, find the intersection between your skills, your passion and what the current market demands.
What are you really good at, that will teach people something significant? What do you never get tired of doing? And what are people asking for and ready to pay to learn? The latter can be detected through carrying out surveys right on your Instagram account. If you write down answers to all these questions, there is sure to be at least one or two points that will be common for the three sections – your passion, skills and current demands.
Listen to Your Followers
Now, when you know the direction, it’s time to come up with more precise topics to give it a start. Just listen to your followers, be attentive to their questions, make queries, do some research in Google to find out which are the most frequently asked questions related to your topic, and finally, just ask your followers! Do the latter through poll stickers, Insta Stories, and the new question sticker. You see, Instagram has made it utmost easy to communicate with your followers. If you can’t make out what question to give, here are a few hints:
- What is your biggest challenge with SOMETHING
- I’m planning to create a course about SOMETHING. What questions would you like me to cover the first?
Get It Out There
After the first two steps are carried out, test and validate the content of your course. This way you will have your content out there and start generating revenue quicker. For this:
- host a mini-course or free challenge
- pre-sell your course
- beta launch your course
Understand Your Sales Funnel
Have you heard about the concept of the sales funnel? Most probably, yes. When you intend to monetize our Gram account, imagine where in the funnel your customers are. At the top of it is where you build awareness, i.e. those Insta followers who have a certain problem and are aware of it. And your aim is education here.
In the middles of the funnel, you can find those followers who have a problem yet can’t make out how to solve it. They are already in a search of solutions.
And the bottom of the funnel is occupied by those followers of yours, who realize they have a certain problem, are actively searching solutions and are ready to take an action.
By understanding what your Insta followers need, are unsure of, and what content they find the most precious regardless their place in your content funnel, you’ll be able to create perfect content to build your email list.
Show Consistency in Your Promotion
Once you connect your followers on a deeper level, your sales are sure to go up rapidly. This, in its turn, forces to be consistent in your promotion. Only this way you will build and nurture firm connections with your followers or already clients, as well as deliver the content you truly consider important.