Whether you are new to Instagram’s world of analytics or already have certain knowledge and experience, you will find it necessary to have a guide of the right metrics to keep track of this new 2019 year. Particularly the right metrics will help you understand your audience better and get a big payoff for that!

So, here are the five most important Instagram metrics you should track during the upcoming 12 months for running an effective marketing campaign.



Engagement Rate


Do you know what is the direct indicator of how your audience responds to your content on Instagram? That’s right, Instagram engagement rate! Depending on how many likes, comments and shares your posts gather, the engagement rate can be high or low. If you are not aware how you should calculate this rate, here is a universal consensus: the total number of comments and likes must be divided by the number of your followers, and the result should be multiplied by 100. As a result, you will get a precise percentage. Keeping track of your engagement rate will let you better understand what type of content your audience likes the most.



Best Time to Post


Posting at the wrong time means losing much following and thus preventing a high engagement rate. Depending on the business you have on this social media, as well as your audience, the best time may differ. However, here is a chart to use as a starting point before you can detect those particular hours particularly your audience is most active at.

To help you find out your best time for posting, we shall advise having a glance at the Insights. Once you find the Audience tab there, you will get the breakdown (both days of week and times of day) of when your followers are most active online.





The first aim of any Instagram user is to grow their account in this new 2019 year. For this, it’s critical to keep track of the reach metrics on Gram. This is the number of unique views that your posts, Stories, and advertisements get. Particularly this metric will show you whether your posts reach new audiences and grow your account. To find the reach statistics of your Instagram posts, go to the Insights. Navigate to the Content tab and tap See All. After this, filter and break down the content by its type (this can be video, photo, carousel, shopping)  and by Gram metrics (choose the reach). In case no improvements are stated, it’s worth re-considering the hashtags, captions or even the type of content you share. Just experiment and track the reach.



Stories Audience Retention Rates


It’s far not easy to create valuable Instagram Stories that will engage your audience. If your aim is to create such Stories that will keep all your followers interested from start to finish, pay attention to Instagram Stories reach metrics. The latter will show how each of your Story’s slide performed during the past 24 hours. Calculate the drop off rate of your Stories to find out how many viewers stopped watching your Story before they reached the end.



Traffic and Sales from Instagram


If your Instagram account is devoted to selling certain products, most probably you’d like to find track particularly which shoppable posts performed better than others. For this, click on View Insights on a particular shoppable post and sort top posts on different metrics right though Insights on your business profile.


You see, there isn’t anything complicated in tracking the most crucial five Instagram metrics. Do this, if you plan to boost your account’s popularity this year!