Nothing ever stands still, progress rules our world. The same refers to Instagram. If a certain strategy tool was effective a month ago, it might be inefficient today. And here the necessity to try out some Instagram geeky experiments rises. Whether it’s high time for you to try something new or not, can be determined by several points. These are:
- Your Instagram engagement is slipping;
- The Insta grid style you have incorporated has got too repetitive;
- The hashtags you use seem to be no longer attractive or exciting.
And now, InstaBF, the leading Instagram provider of likes, comments and followers, suggests carrying out some experiments to clarify your direction on this social media, uncover a couple of peculiar insights to detect what type of content your audience is especially interested in, and raise your Instagram engagement rate. So, get ready and let’s get to work!
Testing New Content Styles
The first and easiest experiment to undertake is switching up your content style. This can be done, for instance, by presenting your captions somewhat differently. If you used to be short in captions, try longer ones; if all your previous captions were about you, try asking questions to your followers; if you were always serious, try to tell funny stories or present captions in a humorous style. Additionally, if you keep on getting questions from your followers, you can answer the most common of them in your captions. Just the same way, you can share an exciting goal you currently have.
About a week later, have a look at your analytics to find out particularly which posts were the most engaging for your audience. For a certain period of time stick to it to raise your engagement.
Playing with the Color Palette
The next engagement is addressed to changing the overall appearance of your Instagram account by incorporating some new colors. For example, if you find the soft pink or sky blue hues you’ve been using are too repetitive, play around with totally new colors. For this, post from five to ten photos/videos with a different filtering during several days. After this, compare the reactions to the current and older posts.
New Hashtags
Do you think you’ve been using the same hashtags too much? Perhaps it’s time to rotate some new ones? It will be a good idea to look for a couple of lists of new hashtags and use them to tag your new posts. Again, after some time, you can look back and compare the engagement that your old posts brought with that of your new posts.
New Time for Posts
Most probably you have picked up a certain hour during the day to make your posts. Sometimes it becomes really irritating to make your posts at the same time everyday. So why not try something new? Catch your faithful followers by surprise and change your posting time for a dozen of days. After this, check you analytics and find out which time works best for you.
Getting Inspired by Other Accounts
And the final experiment we suggest you carry out is getting some inspiration from other accounts – those accounts that have a similar target, as well as aesthetics as you. You can peek to their best-performing hashtags, content, color palette, etc.