If you are running an Instagram account for promoting your business, then you should approach the task with great responsibility. Every step you make should be well considered and schemed. And if you wonder exactly what you should do and what not on Instagram, InstaBF is going to make everything vivid. Before that, we would like to remind you that whenever you need an extra “bunch” of new followers, you can apply to InstaBF. This is a leading service that provides Instagram likes, comments, and followers at a sensible price. All the accounts of this service are real-looking ones with active engagements.



Dos on Instagram


  1. The first “do” of Instagram is constantly checking the insights. The strategy you adopt for running a successful business Instagram account should be flexible enough to give you space for maneuvers. In fact, Instagram users are unpredictable and even the most accurately-schemed strategy may appear inefficient. Hence, it’s crucial to regularly check the data of your Instagram insights (website clicks, top posts, profile views, impressions etc.). The latter will show you which tactics work better and should be kept, and which are better to abandon.
  2. The next “do” is showing your human side. Statistics show that users are more attracted to those accounts which contain everyday life content and don’t look too artificial. For this, include behind-the-scenes content or posts related particularly to you and not merely your brand (even if it’s your business account).
  3. The third “Instagram do” is related to changing the link in the Bio. As you know, there can be no links in the captions, hence using your only chance is more than crucial. Change the link in your bio as needed for reflecting our current marketing efforts.
  4. And the last “do” we’ll recommend to our Instagram users, is devoting enough time to engaging with followers. Don’t deceive yourself with the thought you can get along with solely posting. Nurturing relationships with your followers, as well as current clients and potential followers is a must for leading a succeeded Instagram strategy.


Don’ts on Instagram


  1. The first advice not to do on Instagram is posting like there’s no tomorrow. Even if you have a huge stuff to share and communicate with your followers, don’t do it at once. Be certain, your followers won’t like their feeds spammed with only your posts. Instead, create a consistent post rate as a component of a long-term strategy. This will bring you more followers and a better engagement.
  2. Another “don’t” concerns posting photos which don’t satisfy you. The visual platform Instagram won’t forgive you even a single “not so good” photo posted. Wishy-washy, shaky or blurry images can only win you negative reactions. Hence, make sure every single post (exceptionally high quality) you make adheres to your brand’s aesthetics and cohesive style.
  3. And the final “don’t-do” advice for Instagram business account owners is not to be too promotional. Undoubtedly, the foremost purpose of your account is to promote your brand and boost your sales. Yet, pushing too hard on that purpose may lead you to lose your followers and potential customers. There are a place and a time for selling, stick to that and do never make pressure on your followers.